Celebrating India’s ‘Independence Day’ tantamount to rubbing salt into the wounds of oppressed people: Syed Salahuddin

MUZAFFARABAD, Jan 24 (SABAH): Hizbul Mujahideen Chief and United Jihad Council Chairman Syed Salahuddin Ahmed on Tuesday said that Indian rulers had blood of suppressed Kashmiris and Indian Muslims on their hands. 

While addressing a special meeting of United Jihad Council, Syed Salahuddin Ahmed further said that celebrating India’s ‘Independence Day’ was tantamount to rubbing salt into the wounds of oppressed people. He said that India has been illegally occupying Kashmir for over 75 years, urging upon the international powers to resolve this issue on the lines of East Timor, South Sudan and Scotland, without wasting a single moment.

He further said during the seven decades India martyred a large number of Kashmiris; bulldozed hundreds of localities; damaged properties; put hundreds of Kashmiris behind the bar; physically assaulted respectable women; and till-date India was busying in violating human rights in held valley.

Chairman United Jihad Council said the international powers were playing the role of silent spectators on the issue of provision of domiciles to non-state residents, legislation for purchase and sale, firing local employees from services and dispossessing the Kashmiri masses from their homes and properties, in spite of the fact there were 18 resolutions present in Security Council on the issue. According to the resolutions, they were bound to give right to self-determination to Kashmiris, he said, adding it was also admitted by the Indian rulers.

He said it was need of the hour to force India to abide by international laws and added the international human rights organisations need to take notice of worse human rights violations continuing in the Occupied Kashmir to save region from any disaster.

Being the fundamental stakeholder of Kashmir issue, Syed Salahuddin suggested the government of Pakistan to stimulate international community regarding the issue instead of mere wishing thinking on this issue. He stressed upon the government of Pakistan to unmask the nefarious designs of India in a bid to foil them. Lastly, he concluded that Kashmiri people were continuing their just struggle, saying God willing they would be successful.