Business Advisory Committee of Senate meets at Parliament House

ISLAMABAD, July 4 (SABAH): Business Advisory Committee (BAC) of the Senate met here at the Parliament House on Thursday.  The Committee, presided over by Chairman Senate Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani , discussed in detail legislative business to be transacted during Session of the Senate. 

Besides legislative business, the session would take up discussion on the current situation of important national and international issues. The Committee also paid glowing tributes to Former Senator Hidayatullah who lost his life in a tragic incident of bomb blast yesterday. 

The meeting was attended by Deputy Chairman Senate Syedaal Khan and Senator Sherry Rehman, Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, Syed Ali Zafar, Irfan-ul- Haque Siddiqui, Senator  Manzoor Ahmed, Senator Kamran Murtaza , Senator Kamil Ali Agha ,  Senator Jan Muhammad,  Senator Azam Nazeer Tarar, Federal Minister for Law & Justice,  and Secretary Senate Syed Hasnain Haider was also present.