Bushra Bibi’s diary makes ‘eye-opening revelations’

LAHORE, August 11 (SABAH): In a shocking turn of events, undisclosed revelations from the private diary of Bushra Bibi, wife of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chief and former prime minister Imran Khan, have surfaced, shedding light on her significant role in shaping the country’s political landscape.

The leaked diary entries obtained by a private TV channel, detail a series of clandestine maneuvers aimed at exerting pressure on key pillars of power in Pakistan.

The leaked diary entries, a treasure trove of political maneuvers and strategies, have ignited debates about the boundaries of spousal involvement in political affairs and prompted intense scrutiny of Bushra Bibi’s role within the PTI leadership.

In a stunning revelation, the diary reportedly contains meticulously documented accounts of Bushra Bibi’s efforts to exert influence over key pillars of power in Pakistan. A central focus appears to be her calculated use of prayer, rhetoric, and persuasive language to mold Imran Khan’s mindset, raising questions about the extent of her impact on PTI’s decision-making processes.

One of the most remarkable claims in the diary is Bushra Bibi’s purported orchestration of a comprehensive plan to shape Imran Khan’s thinking and personality through prayer and subtle manipulation.

The diary also alleges that General Bajwa is referred to as “Mamu” within the diary and suggests strategies aimed at pressuring key individuals and institutions.

The diary entries shed light on Bushra Bibi’s role in guiding PTI’s legal strategy. She is said to have controlled conversations between lawyers and Imran Khan, instructing the Chairman to remain silent on crucial matters. Her influence extended to courtroom dynamics, where she reportedly prompted questions aimed at challenging the government’s opponents.

Furthermore, the diary delves into Bushra Bibi’s control over Imran Khan’s daily routine, including his diet and activities. Details reveal her influence over his food and drink choices, even noting specific times for consumption.

The diary also outlines her unorthodox logic concerning milk consumption, restricting Imran Khan to drinking milk only at midnight.

The excerpts from the diary, though sketchy, reveal who would put pressure and how the pressure would be exerted on the judiciary, the army and the government. Everything was recorded in the diary allegedly by Bushra Bibi.

The former first lady allegedly brainwashed the PTI chairman through prayers and for this purpose, the former prime minister was convinced to use certain words (as part of indoctrination).

The diary reveals that Bushra Bibi would instruct the PTI chairman which words he would use and how these would be used to pray.

It says the judiciary should be pressurised to prevent it from giving any adverse decision. The writing proved that Bushra kept giving political dictation to the PTI chairman.

Bushra’s diary further reveals her efforts to help her husband “handle someone”. “How the government, establishment and judiciary will be pressurised,” a report says about the diary contents without elaborating on it.

Bushra, the report says, continued to make political and strategic decisions for the PTI and the chairman made sure all these decisions were implemented in letter and spirit. It implies the prime minister was under complete control of his wife.

In the diary, Gen Bajwa has been mentioned in code word ‘uncle’.  It’s written in the diary that preparations should be made to close down the city if Governor’s Rule was imposed, says the report. Some of the pages of the diary were torn by Bushra Bibi, it adds.