Britain roars against Narendra Modi’s IIoJK visit

BIRMINGHAM, April 25 (SABAH): Kashmiris and their allies held demonstrations in the United Kingdom against the so-called visit of fascist Indian ruler Narendra Modi to Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIoJK) which was put under intense military lockdown.

“Kashmiris reject the visit by Modi to IIoJK when innocent, unarmed Kashmiris have been jailed in world’s biggest open-air prison,” the protestors said, raising anti-India and pro-Kashmir freedom slogans outside Indian Consulate in Birmingham.

Modi made his first visit to IIoJK since August 05, 2019 when India re-annexed IIoJK after putting millions of Kashmiris under military lockdown.

Raja Fahim Kayani, President of Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK which organized the demonstrations, said Kashmiris will never be cowed down by Indian actions. “Visit of Modi, whose hands are soaked in hot blood of innocents, is aimed at hoodwinking the international community that everything is honky dory in IIoJK,” said Raja Fahim Kayani.

“IIoJK is under illegal control of India due to one million Indian forces deployed in the UN-designated disputed territory and Modi’s visit was held under barrel of gun to ensure graveyard silence among Kashmiris,” he added.

The protestors urged the British government on the occasion to put Indian diplomats deployed in the UK on notice over putting IIoJK under military lockdown.

“It is responsibility of the British government and international community to hold India accountable for its crimes against humanity in IIoJK,” Raja Fahim Kayani said.

Muhammad Ghalib, President Tehreek- e-Kashmir Europe said “The free pass that India has been given by the western world is only exposing hypocrisy of these capitals which boast of upholding human rights,”

Recalling the unprecedented sacrifices made by Kashmiris in IIoJK for right to self-determination, Kayani said: “it is because of these sacrifices the freedom movement against India can never be cowed down.”

Inamul Haq , a Kashmiri activist said “Tens of hundreds of Kashmiris have been killed, jailed, maimed and injured but India can’t suppress the idea of freedom from Kashmiris and time has proven it.

The demonstrators condemned the cold-blooded murder of Shabir Ahmad Mir, a resident of Gund Hassi Bhat area of capital Srinagar, who was chased by occupying Indian forces and drowned into rivulet where he attained martyrdom.

Mufti Fazal Ahmed Qadari said “Shaheed Shabir was teenage school-going young Kashmiri and his only crime was that his heart beat for freedom of Kashmir from illegal Indian occupation,”

Mufti Abdul Majeed Nadeem Vice President Tehreek e Kashmir UK, Asia Hussain, Shareen Raja,Naila Azmat, Khawajah Suleman Founding member of Tehreek e Kashmir UK, Chaudhry Inamul Haq, Secretary General Tehreek-e-Kashmir Birmingham said  in joint statement “This youth is future of Kashmir and India cannot tolerate it; by killing our future generation, India is adamant on changing the Muslim-majority into non-Muslim but Kashmiris will never allow it,”