Bombing of the school is an Israeli war crime and a flagrant violation of international law: Hamas

GAZA, Sep 22 (SABAH): The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) has said that the bombing of the school is an Israeli war crime and an open violation of international laws.

Hamas stressed in a press statement that “all human values and international laws are being blatantly violated in ongoing and unprecedented crimes in modern history.” This massacre is an insistence on continuing the brutal genocide in the Gaza Strip, which has been provided military and political cover by the US administration”.

This Hamas Spokesperson pointed out that Israeli crimes have put the human conscience and the international system, including all its institutions, to the moral, humanitarian and legal test. International organizations are silent spectators to the organized massacre of Palestinians, he said.

Hamas said, “The aim of the Zionist policy of increasing criminal acts against civilians in the Gaza Strip and setting the entire region on fire is to increase its aggression in the region.” The enemy wants to widen the scope of the war to destroy the axis of resistance.

Meanwhile Izzat al-Rashq, a member of the political office of Hamas, has said that closing the Al-Jazeera channel is an attempt to hide the performance of the resistance in Gaza and the reaction of Hezbollah.

In his statement, al-Rashq said that the decision of the occupying Zionist government to close the office of Al-Jazeera channel in Ramallah is a punishment for its professional role, which exposed the crimes of the occupying forces against our nation.

The closure of Al-Jazeera is an attempt to cover up the performance of the resistance in Gaza and Hezbollah’s response, particularly Hezbollah’s targeting of military bases inside the Israeli territory.

Closing Al-Jazeera is a blatant violation of freedom of the press and a stranglehold on freedoms. We express our full solidarity with the Al-Jazeera channel, condemning the decision to close its office, and we believe that due to this decision Al-Jazeera will not be deterred from continuing its important role and facing all obstacles.