Begum Samina Alvi, wife of President Dr Arif Alvi stresses promoting tolerance in society

ISLAMABAD, Oct 26 (APP): Begum Samina Alvi, wife of President Dr Arif Alvi on Wednesday stressed the need for eliminating extremist behaviour from the society by promoting tolerance and acceptance towards each other.

Begum Samina Alvi termed dialogue and negotiations necessary to promote tolerance and said the solution to such societal challenges rested in following the teachings of Allah Almighty and the Seerat of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him).

She expressed these views in her address at the Seerat-un-Nabi Conference themed ‘Intolerance in society’, here at the International Islamic University.

Begum Alvi said the society was facing the challenges of extremism and intolerance, and mentioned that Pakistan suffered huge loss of human lives and economy due to terrorism and extremism.

She emphasized attaining education to bring a change in the society and following the righteous path as advised by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

She quoted the Quranic verses describing the attributes of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as kind, humble, benevolent and sympathetic towards mankind.

She stressed the need for inculcating moral values among the people and encouraging them to demonstrate forgiveness and respect towards each other.

In this regard, she said, the society would be able to overcome the ills of anger, frustration, intolerance and aggression.

Begum Samina Alvi said dialogue among different sections of society led to mutual trust, which was integral to unity and harmony.

She said keeping the people out of national mainstream developed despondency among them, thus required promoting the culture of dialogue and consultations.

Begum Alvi also highlighted the importance of early detection of breast cancer, which she said, increased the chances of recovery by 98 percent.

She urged the women to practice five-minute self-examination every month to rule out any chance of tumor.

Chairperson AlNoor Foundation Nighat Hashmi and In charge Dawah Centre for Women Dr Faryal Ambreen in their speeches deliberated upon the need for following the Islamic teachings regarding tolerance and forgiveness.