Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar appreciates initiative taken by WHO for the up-gradation of primary health centers in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, Nov 06 (SABAH): Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar has said the government will ensure the common man’s access to basic health facilities.

He was talking to World Health Organization’s Representative in Pakistan Dr. Palitha Mahipala who called on him in Islamabad on Monday.

The Prime Minister was appreciative of the initiative taken by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the up-gradation of primary health centers in Pakistan including Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir. He noted that mobile health clinics and ambulances donated by the WHO will bring basic health facilities to the doorsteps of common people.

He said mobile health units are of key importance to deliver basic health services to people living in remote areas.

The Prime Minister was informed that the up-gradation of 464 primary health centers in Pakistan is a mega project on which the work will be completed in a short period of two months.

The Prime Minister was further told that the mobile health units will not only provide basic treatment facilities to the people, but under the digital system, these will also be connected to the central health system for referral of the patients to major hospitals.

Meanwhile World Health Organization (WHO) has signed an MoU with Pakistan to support the Universal Health Coverage Program. Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar ul Haq Kakar was also present on the occasion.

Under the MoU, the WHO has extended support for provision of equipment, ambulances and refurbishment of healthcare facilities including primary and secondary healthcare centers and mobile units. This project will reach more than ninety percent of primary healthcare services.