American & Indian masterminds & tools are behind every terrorist incident in country: Liaqat Baloch

LAHORE, Jan 21 (SABAH): Deputy Chief of Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan and former parliamentary leader Liaqat Baloch has strongly condemned the terrorist incident in Lahore and said that American and Indian masterminds and tools are behind every terrorist incident in the country. The incidents of terrorism are increasing in the whole country, innocent people are being killed, where is the national security policy? The government is incompetent and failed. The incompetence of the government has become a torment for the lives, property and honor of the people. For the martyrs of Anarkali (Lahore) and for the martyrs of terrorism across the country, we express our condolences and solidarity with the families of the injured.

Liaqat Baloch said that in every era the rulers keep reciting mantras and making false claims for the betterment of economic indicators. In practice, the national economy is in constant decline. Claims of improving economic indicators in the presence of IMF conditions, debt and interest burden, bribery, corruption is a black lie. The growth rate cannot be improved by squeezing the blood of the people. Expensive electricity, medicine, petrol, fertilizer, gas, deadly taxes have made people miserable. Speeches of Imran Khan, ministers and advisers, based on arrogance, are sprinkling salt on the wounds of the people. It is writings on the wall that the government has failed.

Liaqat Baloch was met by public delegations, scholars and social, local government figures. Jamaat-e-Islami Gwadar, Karachi is creating a wave of awareness in the country through public sit-ins on public issues. The enmity between the governments of Sindh and Balochistan towards the people, democracy and local bodies has been exposed. The 101 sit-ins across the country will awaken and mobilize the people and the decisive sit-in will pave the way for the rule of constitution, transparent and free elections in the country. Incompetent, anti-people and responsible for inflation government will come to the ground.

Speaking to the Ulema, Liaqat Baloch said that Quaid-e-Azam, while sacrificing his royal life, fought for the freedom of the Muslims of the Subcontinent, for the upliftment of Islamic law and declared that the salvation of the world lies in the Islamic system. Ulema, Masha’ikh will have to play a dynamic revolutionary role in getting the country out of crises.