All arrangements made for Alkhidmat Foundation Qurbani Fi Sabeel Lillah campaign for 2022: Muhammad Abdul Shakoor

LAHORE, July 08 (SABAH): President Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan Muhammad Abdul Shakoor has said that all the arrangements have been made for the Alkhidmat Foundation Qurbani Fi Sabeel Lillah campaign for 2022. He said that during ensuing year Alkhidmat Foundation will sacrifice thousands of animals in whole country along with provision of sacrificial animals for Syrian, Rohingya, Palestinian and Afghan brothers.

In a special message on the occasion of Eidul Azha issued on Friday, President Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan Muhammad Abdul Shakoor said that the vigor of sacrifice is the Sunnat-e-Ibrahimi. He said that the real message of qurabni is to sacrifice the personal whims for securing the Blessings of Almighty Allah. He said that Eidul Azha remembers us about the great sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and Hazrat Ismail (AS). He said that while following this very Sunnat, Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan from over the years is used to arrange countrywide Qurbani Fi Sabeel Lillah.

Muhammad Abdul Shakoor said that along with using the traditional methods, animals will be sacrificed in latest slaughter houses. He said that the meat will be packed while following the hygienic principles and will be transported to far flung areas of the country through chiller trucks. He said that from booking of qurbani and date and venue of slaughter and donors reporting, whole records is being maintained through latest software. He said that whole arrangements have been made in this regard.

Muhammad Abdul Shakoor said that last year Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan under Qurbani Fi Sabeel Lillah Campaign had slaughtered 3951 cows and 1855 goats, adding that overall 0.212 million families benefited from the meat.