Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan starts the mobile health unit service in flood affected areas

LAHORE, Oct 04 (SABAH): Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan has started the mobile health unit service in flood affected areas.

Through a video message, President Alkhidmat Foundation, Pakistan Muhammad Abdul Shakoor said that mobile health unit is a mobile hospital wherein there is a proper bed for lying down of patients besides facility of air conditioners. He said that this mobile hospital is equipped with pharmacy where there is a sitting place for doctors and paramedics.

Muhammad Abdul Shakoor said this aforementioned facility is for those areas of Pakistan where visiting hospitals is considered as a tough job. He said that Alkhidmat Foundation has committed to transport doctors, medicines and paramedics at the doorsteps of the masses and added due to this facility they will need not to pay visits of their camps. “We will enquire about their health and will provide them with medicines. We will vigorously try to transport our services to provide proper treatment to women,” he added.

“I am grateful to those people inside and outside the country who sponsored these health units,” he said, and added, a mobile health unit can provide more services to the people as compared to a big hospital.

Chairman Alkhidmat Health Foundation Dr. Hafeez-ur-Rehman said that they are sending convoy of health units to the areas affected by the heavy rains and disastrous floods. “Actually this convoy is part of major programme which we have launched with a title of ‘Safe Mother, Safe Family,’” he explained.

There are a number of components of this programme wherein one is antenatal care which include undertaking tests and ultrasound, he said, and added these mobile health units were made for the very purpose.

“We are thankful to Alkhidmat Women Wing and Alkhidmat Women Wing Trust for the cooperation they meted out to us throughout this programme,” he said.

Dr. Hafeez-ur-Rehman said, “In this fleet, first two units were provided by Alkhidmat Women Wing Trust and we are inaugurating those today.”

Meanwhile, Alkhidmat Foundation Lahore presented a cheque of further Rs 40 million for food affectees.

President Alkhidmat Foundation Lahore Engineer Ahmed Hammad Rasheed presented the cheque to Central President Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan Muhammad Abdus Shakoor at Alkhidmat Foundation Complex, Lahore.

On this occasion, Muhammad Abdul Shakoor said that Alkhidmat Foundation’s relief activities for food victims are afoot and added “we are thankful to the residents of Lahore who are enthusiastically participating in relief activities for flood victims.”

Engineer Ahmed Hammad Rasheed said that they will not leave flood victims unaided in this trying time and aid activities are ongoing and continued that Alkhidmat Lahore had already provided Rs 160 million, clothes, dry rations, medicines and 16 trucks of tents for the people affected by recent disastrous floods. Executive Director Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan Khubaib Bilal and General Secretary Alkhidmat Foundation Lahore Mughees Shahid Qureshi were also present on the occasion.