Alkhidmat Foundation in collaboration with WHO launches campaign titled ‘Declaration of Smoke-Free Premises, Choose Health, Not Tobacco’

LAHORE, Nov 24 (SABAH): President Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan Professor Dr. Hafeezur Rehman has said that the camping of Alkhidmat Foundation in collaboration with World Health Organization (WHO) against smoking is welcoming. He said that in Pakistan 0.2 million people are passing away annually due to the diseases arising out of smoking, adding that we will provide awareness to masses regarding the harmful impact of the smoking.

Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan in collaboration with World Health Organization has launched the campaign titled “Declaration of Smoke-Free Premises, Choose Health, Not Tobacco”. Launching ceremony was held at the Alkhidmat Complex in Lahore. The ceremony was attended by WHO Representative in Pakistan Dr. Palitha Gunarathna Mahipala, President Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan Professor Dr. Hafeezur Rehman, Secretary General Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan Syed Waqas Jafri, Chairman Alkhidmat Health Foundation Dr. Muhammad Zahid Latif, Vice President Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan Syed Ihsan Ullah Waqas, Vice President Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan Dr. Muhammad Mushtaq Ahmed Mangat, General Secretary Alkhidmat Health Foundation Dr. Usman Zafar and other responsible.

They reiterated that generally in Pakistani society and specifically in departments linked with the Alkhidmat Foundation, the awareness regarding the harmful impacts of the smoking will be provided, adding that the complete plan has been prepared in this regard. They said that the after every six seconds one person dies due to smoking. They said that due to the diseases arising out of smoking, 0.2 million Pakistanis are passing away annually, adding that the purpose of the campaign is to stop the spread of diseases from smoking.

Professor Dr. Hafeezur Rehman while addressing the launching ceremony said that best health of the community and pollution free society is the priority of the Alkhidmat Foundation, adding that while making the community part of the campaign the masses will be provided the awareness against the harmful impacts of smoking.

Professor Dr. Hafeezur Rehman said that we are thankful to Dr. Palitha Gunarathna Mahipala for taking special interest for saving the Pakistanis from the harmful impacts of smoking.

While addressing on the occasion Dr. Palitha Gunarathna Mahipala said that the services of Alkhidmat Foundation for the society are unforgettable. He said that WHO will fully cooperate with Alkhidmat Foundation for saving the society from the harmful impacts of the smoking.

On the occasion Professor Dr. Muhammad Zahid Latif said that the campaign launched for saving the society from negative impacts of smoking will bring positive results. He said that this campaign will help decreasing the health issues and it will last far reaching impacts. He said that the success of the campaign in Alkhidmat departments will be a role model for the community and it will be adopted.