Ali Raza Syed raises issue of Indian crimes against humanity in occupied J&K in the Sarajevo’s int’l event

BRUSSELS, Dec 19 (SABAH): Chairman Kashmir Council Europe (KC-EU) Ali Raza Syed has raised the issue of Indian crimes against humanity in occupied Jammu and Kashmir in the Sarajevo’s international event.

Addressing the event on Kashmir organized by an international civil society organization in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia Herzegovina, Ali Raza Syed said, Indian occupation forces are committing crimes against the humanity in occupied Kashmir for above last seven decades.

The three day international conference “the Russell Tribunal on Kashmir” hosted by Kashmir Civitas, the international civil advocacy organization working for the Kashmiris’ right to self-determination, was continued on Sunday.

According to the organizers, the aim of the event was to highlight the grave issue of genocide, settler-colonialism, crimes against humanity and nuclear threat emerging in the region due to dispute of Jammu and Kashmir.

A discussion panel of the event titled, “Crimes Against Humanity,” moderated by veteran Kashmiri figure Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai was included Chairman Kashmir Council EU Ali Raza Syed, Dr. Emir Suljagic, Daniyal Ubaidullha, Ambassador Malik Nadeem and Naveed Sheikh. Various scholars, experts and intellectuals from the globe participated in the event.

Speaking in the event, Ali Raza Syed said, India forces are involved in extra judicial killings, forced disappearances of youth, rape of women, targeting the protesters by pellet guns and direct bullets, imprisonment of the political workers and leaders of Jammu and Kashmir.

The Russell Tribunal, is a private People’s Tribunal was established in 1966 by Bertrand Russell, British philosopher and Nobel Prize winner.

It is to mention here that Kashmir Civitas has partnered with the Russell Foundation in London, UK, the Permanent Peoples Tribunal of Bologna, Italy, the International University of Sarajevo and the Center for Advanced Studies held the inaugural three day Russell Tribunal on Kashmir in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia from 17 to 19 Dec 2021.

Chairman KC-EU said, the occupied Jammu and Kashmir based Indian forces are involved in all of the criminal acts including torture, sexual violence, murder, extermination, enforced disappearances and deportation, or forcible transfer of population which are against the international laws and are being considered as crimes against the humanity.

Ali Raza Syed said, we started a move for pressurizing India to release of known human rights activists Khurram Parvez in Europe. Ali Raza Syed called upon international community to use its influence for release of Khurram Parvez and other Kashmiri figures detained in Indian jails.

Chairman Kashmir Council Europe Ali Raza Syed said, crimes against humanity appeared for the first time in a treaty in the 1945 Nuremberg Charter at the end of the Second World War, albeit with a different definition than today.

Since the 1990s, crimes against humanity have been codified in different international treaties such as the Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (1993), the Statute of the International Tribunal for Rwanda (1994) and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (1998). The Rome Statute provides the most recent and most expansive list of specific criminal acts that may constitute crimes against humanity.