ABIM urges to review India’s membership in UNHRC

KUALA LUMPUR, June 14 (SABAH): Muslim Youth Movement of   Malaysia (ABIM) has been monitoring the recent development in India following the incident of public insult by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) political leaders towards the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.

According to statement issued by Muhammad Faisal Abdul Aziz, President Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM), the recent developments have witnessed the Indian ruling regime infringing basic elements of human rights of the people who have held peaceful protests in several regions of India. The atrocities can be seen in the coverage by international media showing protesters who peacefully gathered beaten, tortured and detained by the Indian authorities.

The statement said that ABIM firmly views that such incidents are a clear violation of the fundamental rights of the people to hold peaceful   protests. Therefore, ABIM urges the international human rights bodies, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in particular under the leadership of HE Michelle Bachelet, to condemn these blatant violations of human rights.

At the same time, ABIM demands that India’s membership as a member of the UNHRC be revised given the clear current situation that the Indian government does not respect human rights principles. It is   a huge shame when an international human rights body such as UNHRC tolerates the membership of a government that explicitly violates human rights. Such violations are not limited to recent incidents, but also previous episodes in the provinces of Kashmir, Assam, Karnataka and some other regions. In a elated development,   ABIM urges Malaysia which has been elected as a member of UNHRC for the period of 2022-2024 to play a role in bringing this matter more   assertively at the international level as a responsibility to preserve the principles of fundamental rights in the international arena.