Abbottabad man who tried gay club sent to insane asylum

ABBOTTABD, June 12 (SABAH): A man who tried to start a gay club in Pakistan was sent to an insane asylum. The man, whose identity has not been released, was interviewed by “The Telegraph” on Sunday, according to the international news agency’s website.

The man explained that he had applied to the Deputy Commissioner of Abbottabad to set up a gay club, which he called the Lorenzo Gay Club. The application Preetum Giani reportedly explained that the club would be specially designed to be a huge facility and resource for the many homosexuals living in Abbottabad and other parts of the country.

Authorities took the man into custody and sent him to an insane asylum in Peshawar, about 125 miles west of Abbottabad. Pakistan’s penal code criminalizes sexual intercourse against the order of nature.

In the first page of the constitution of Pakistan, it is written that no law or action will be taken against the orders of Islam, there was a lot of anger among the people on this request and the people breathed a sigh of relief on the government’s initiative.