Kashmiris will not give up their right to self-determination promised by the int’l community: Ali Raza Syed

BRUSSELS, Jan 06 (SABAH): Chairman Kashmir Council Europe (KC-EU) Ali Raza Syed has said that Kashmiris will not give up their right to self-determination promised by the international community.

This was stated by him in a statement issued from Brussels in connection with 5th January, the day of right to self determination of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Kashmiris in both sides of the Line of Control and the world over observe the Right to Self-Determination Day on 5th January every year with a pledge to continue their liberation struggle till reaching its ultimate goal.

It was on 5th January in 1949 when the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution supporting the Kashmiris’ right to decide their future by themselves through UN-sponsored plebiscite. The Kashmiris mark the day by various activities including rallies, debates, seminars and conferences across the world to remind the UN to implement its resolutions to peacefully settle the Kashmir dispute.

Ali Raza Syed said, January 5, 1949’s UN resolution provides a base for settlement of the Kashmir dispute while India’s adverse attitude had been an obstacle to settlement of the Kashmir dispute. It is unfortunate that the World Body has also failed to implement its resolutions, resulting in the continued sufferings of the Kashmiri people. The January 5, 1949’s resolution of United Nations Security Council resolution calls for an internationally supervised plebiscite in the entire territory of Jammu & Kashmir. The State of Jammu & Kashmir was to obtain independence in August 1947 under the partition formula but Indian forces captured two third of the territories of Jammu and Kashmir in October 1947 and this area is still under illegal occupation of Indian authorities.

Chairman KC-EU added, peace in South Asia is connected with the settlement of Kashmir conflict. The region will not witness of the peace and prosperity until the resolution of this issue. He said, all of the Indian acts including constant occupation, genocide of Kashmiris, extra judicial killings of the innocent people, revocation of special status and  merging Jammu and Kashmir into the its federal territory in August 2019 and  modifying domicile rules in the occupied Kashmir are illegal and inhuman. 

Ali Raza Syed said, the Indian occupation should be ended and people of whole region of Jammu and Kashmiris should decide about their political future under UN resolutions freely. Chairman KC-EU further said, India is continually committing worst state terrorism for the last 76 years to continue its illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir. It has given its troops, police, military and paramilitary forces the unchecked powers to commit atrocities on people of the occupied Jammu and Kashmir seeking their United Nations-recognized right to self-determination.

Ali Raza Syed called upon United Nations Security Council to implement its   resolutions on the Kashmir dispute particularly the resolution of 1949 emphasizing on plebiscite in the entire territory of Jammu and Kashmir.