Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai expresses condolence on the death of Professor Dr. Mohammed Mughisuddi

WASHINGTON, Dec 01, (SABAH): Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, Secretary General World Kashmir Awareness Forum and Chairman World Forum for Peace & Justice has expressed condolence on the death of Professor Dr. Mohammed Mughisuddi.  


In his condolence message Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai wrote that we are saddened to know the demise of Professor Dr. Mohammed Mughisuddin, an intellectual, academic and Pakistani -Turkish scholar. He was a symbol of modesty and uprightness and above all, a kind person. He and his beloved wife, Professor Dr. Oya Akgonenc, Turkish parliamentarian and visionary politician, were captivating personalities for the people of Kashmir because of their long involvement with the cause.

Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai wrote that in December 2017, I had a meeting with Ustaaz Recai Kutan, former Federal Minister of Energy and Natural Resources and the leader of Felicity Party, Chairman, Economic & Social Research Center (ESAM). Ustaaz Kutan was the keynote speaker at First International Kashmir Conference that was held in Washington DC on July 13-14, 1991. During the meeting, Ustaaz Kutan told me that I must meet with Professor Oya Akgonenc and her husband, Professor (Dr.) Mohammed Mughisuddin, who were deeply involved in organizing seminars, meetings and conferences on the Kashmir dispute. Ustaaz Kutan immediately asked his office to make an appointment so that I can meet them before my departure from Ankara. They were so kind to invite me to their home right away.

Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai wrote that upon my arrival, Dr. Akgonenc along with her Husband, Dr. Mughisuddin stood up and welcomed me with fullest warmth. Would you like Turkish tea? Dr. Akgonenc asked me. No, thank you. I came here just to meet with you and Professor Mughisuddin. She did not take my ‘no’ as an answer. Within minutes, there was tea and coffee along with Turkish delights on the table with smile on her face.

Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai wrote that during our meeting, which lasted for few hours, I found both very knowledgeable on the subject of Kashmir. I was very impressed to see the level of intellectual growth, reflecting their understanding of the approaches of the international diplomacy. They understood the long road ahead of laboring for the minds and hearts of people. Both husband and wife told me that Kashmir could move the world only by moral argument and peaceful advocacy to awaken the conscience of leaders and citizens everywhere.

“I was pleasantly surprised when Dr. Akgonenc defined the parameters about the talks. One, that the issue of Kashmir was about the right of self-determination; and second that the leadership of the people of Kashmir can never be sidelined in any final settlement. They should be the part of the negotiations with India and Pakistan, she emphasized. Dr. Mughisuddin told me in Urdu that Pakistan should be persuaded to take active role on diplomatic front to mobilize the global public opinion on Kashmir. After all, Pakistan is the leader of Muslim Ummah, Dr. Mughisuddin added” Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai wrote.

“We will never forget the contribution and the tireless efforts of Professor (Dr.) Mohammed Mughisuddin and his wife Professor (Dr.) Oya Akgonenc for the cause of Kashmir. And we are confident that the selfless, steady and conscientious efforts of this wonderful couple will never go in vain” Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai wrote.

“We miss them a lot. May Allah (s.w.t.) elevate the status of both of them as the guided persons, comfort them in their graves, make their graves part of Jannatul Firdous and give Sabr to the family! Ameen” Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai conluded.