15th constitutional amendment in Azad Kashmir unacceptable: Dr. Khalid Mahmood Khan

ISLAMABAD, August 06 (SABAH): Emir Jamaat-e-Islami Azad Kashmir Dr. Khalid Mahmood Khan has said that 15th constitutional amendment in Azad Kashmir is unacceptable. Dr. Khalid Mahmood Khan warned that AJK Assembly would be besieged if any attempt to alter the state’s status was made through 15th amendment. “Any member of the legislative assembly favoring the amendment will be permitted to go outside the assembly”, he noted.

While addressing a press conference at National Press Club Islamabad on Saturday, Dr. Khalid Mahmood Khan opposed creation of new province by changing status of AJK and Gilgit-Baltistan and suggested that these territories ought to be given vide authorities with their current legal status. As far as the status of GB was concerned JI AJK head suggestion was to bring it at par with that of the AJK; yet having distinct premiers and high courts and a common president and an apex court.

While censuring the move of changing status of the territories, JI AJK Emir Dr. Khalid Mahmood Khan termed it as rectification of the Indian move of August 5, 2019. He maintained that whole political leadership of AJK opposed any change in the status of the region; and suggested that AJK government should not bring the 15th constitutional amendment to the Assembly. “AJK government should be made a representative regime empowered enough to raise Kashmir dispute on international forums. The Emir JI Azad Kashmi categorically rejected any compromise on separate identity of Kashmir and any decision thereof without taking Kashmiri leadership into confidence. He also clarified that any working for any joint secretary would not be acknowledged.

Dr. Khalid Mahmood noted that a conspiracy to divide Kashmir and cease its Freedom Movement was being hatched on international pressure. The emir demand that unnecessary taxes levied in AJK must be taken back and the territory was declared a load-shedding-free-zone. He also demanded cancellation of Tourism Authority Act as it would ease outsiders to purchase property in the state. Besides, a demand for royalty on electricity similar to that of KP was highlighted in his speech.

JI AJK head also stated that those who had been arrested during protest of People’s Rights Forum in Poonch Division should be released and those who tortured them while in custody must be punished. While answering a question, he highlighted that the population of AJK was 5.5 million; but NADRA showed it to be 4 million only. He also noted that more than 1.5 million Kashmiris were residing in the UK and other countries who send remittances and that the State Bank of Pakistan should come up as to where the money was spent. Answering another question, he declared that JI AJK would contest coming local body polls under its flag and charter. He added that JI would not form any alliance with anyone; however local seat adjustment could be undertaken.