For better economic prospects we shall work hard & take all the key players on board: Abid Hussain Bhayo

ISLAMABAD, April 25 (SABAH): Abid Hussain Bhayo, Federal Minister for Privatisation chaired briefing/review session about the ongoing privatisation program in the Ministry on Monday.

Chairman Privatisation Saleem Ahmad, Federal Secretary and senior officials were also present.

Federal Minister was briefed about the privatisation plan and major entities which are to be privatized during the current year. The Minister was given a detailed briefing about the revival of Pakistan Steel Mills, NPPMCL, HBFCL, First Women Bank and Federal Government properties. He was also briefed about the recently concluded transactions including Heavy Electrical Complex (HEC), Services International Hotel (SIH) and Federal government properties.

Federal Minister said that for the better economic prospects we shall work hard and take all the key players on board.