Democratic Freedom Party terms 27 October as darkest day in Kashmir’s contemporary history 

SRINAGAR, Oct 24 (SABAH): Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party (DFP), while terming 27 October as the darkest day in Kashmir’s contemporary history, has said that the invasion of Kashmir by India on the day in 1947 was a naked aggression devoid of any legal or moral justification.

While referring to devastating impacts of the illegal occupation, the DFP Spokesman Advocate Arshad Iqbal said that India’s prolonged military occupation over the territory poses an existential threat to Kashmiris who have been reeling under India’s brutal repression for the past several decades.

Terming Indian invasion as an atrocious attack on the political and democratic rights of millions of Kashmiris he said on this fateful day the so-called democratic state had brazenly violated the international law by usurping the fundamental rights of millions of Kashmiris.

Recalling Kashmiris’ historic resistance against the Indian occupation he said, “Despite suffering at the hands of Indian tyrants the valiant people of Kashmir have never accepted its dominance over the region”.

“Kashmiris have neither accepted the hegemony of the Indian state in the past nor will they accept it in the future”, the DFP spokesman said adding that day was not far when Kashmiris’ struggle and their sacrifices for the noble cause would reach to fruition.

About the Modi government’s unlawful actions it had taken on Kashmir since 5th August 2019, he said Kashmiris have fairly and squarely rejected the move and there were no takers in Kashmir of what the BJP has been remorselessly projecting to deceive the international community. 

He said any piece of legislation made by the Indian parliament cannot supersede the UN resolutions, which clearly state that no country can change the disputed status of Jammu and Kashmir unilaterally.

Urging the world community to play its proactive role to end India’s prolonged military occupation he said that the world needs to realize the devastating impacts of the decades long illegal occupation of India on Kashmir and play its part to help resolve this lingering dispute peacefully in line with the UNSC resolutions.