Hate speech, discrimination & violence against Muslims proliferating in several parts of the world including in Pak’s neighbourhood: Qureshi 

ISLAMABAD, Mar 22 (SABAH): Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi met the High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), Miguel Moratinos, on the margins of the 48th OIC Council of Foreign Ministers in Islamabad on Tuesday. 

Views were exchanged on the work of UNAOC and avenues of collaboration, particularly in the area of strengthening interreligious dialogue, combating Islamophobia and related intolerance and achieving harmony in diverse societies.

The Foreign Minister underscored that hate speech, discrimination and violence against Muslims were proliferating in several parts of the world including in Pakistan’s neighbourhood. It was manifested in negative profiling by security agencies, stigmatization, deliberate vandalizing of Islamic symbols and holy sites, killings by cow vigilantes, discriminatory laws and policies, ban on hijab, attacks on mosques, pronouncements by far-right parties that call for expulsion and even “genocide” of Muslims, anti-Muslim migrant bias, and attacks on the dignity of Muslim women.

Welcoming the recent unanimous adoption of are solution by the United Nations General Assembly designating 15 March as the International Day to Combat Islamophobia, the Foreign Minister lauded the support extended by the UNAOC and the High Representative to the OIC’s initiative.

The High Representative reiterated the readiness of UNAOC to support efforts towards promoting continued dialogue as well as fostering mutual respect and understanding.

The UNAOC was created in 2005. One of its core objectives has been to advance mutual respect for all cultures, traditions and religious beliefs, and to serve as a platform for bridge-building.

Meanwhile Shah Mahmood Qureshi held a bilateral meeting with the Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan, Rashid Meredov, on the sidelines of the 48th session of OIC Council of Foreign Ministers in Islamabad on Tuesday. 

The two Foreign Ministers expressed satisfaction at the state of bilateral relations as well as the growing cooperation in various fields, including coordination at regional and international fora.

Foreign Minister Qureshi highlighted Pakistan’s “Vision Central Asia” policy, and its commitment to enhancing engagement with Central Asian countries for building a result-oriented, sustainable and long-term partnership. He stressed the need for greater cooperation between Pakistan and Turkmenistan in trade and investment, enhanced connectivity, and people-to-people exchanges.

Foreign Minister Qureshi highlighted that peace and stability in Afghanistan was essential for realizing the goals of greater economic integration and regional connectivity. He stressed the importance of constructive engagement by the international community, including regional countries, for meeting the immediate humanitarian and economic needs of the Afghan people.

The two Foreign Ministers exchanged views on energy and connectivity projects between Pakistan and Turkmenistan, which have the potential to transform the region into a hub of regional trade.

The two Foreign Ministers agreed to remain in contact and hold regular exchanges for further cementing bilateral ties.

Meanwhile Shah Mahmood Qureshi met his counterpart from Gambia, Dr. Mamadou Tangara, on the margins of the 48th session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers being held in Islamabad on Tuesday.

The two Ministers recalled their fraternal and trust-based ties, anchored in common faith and values. They exchanged views on regional and bilateral issues of mutual interest.

The excellent cooperation, shared perspectives and tradition of mutual support at multilateral fora were highlighted during the interaction. Both sides expressed satisfaction on the current status of their bilateral relationship and shared the common desire and keenness for enhanced engagement.

The Foreign Minister appreciated the recent uptick in bilateral visits and welcomed the visits by Gambian Minister of Interior and Minister of Communication in 2021.

Both Ministers expressed the readiness to conclude MoU for ‘Bilateral Political Consultations’ between the Foreign Ministries, Visa Abolition Agreement, and advance technical cooperation in the sphere of defense.

Welcoming the hosting of the upcoming 15th OIC Summit by Gambia in June 2022, Foreign Minister Qureshi assured Pakistan’s full support and cooperation to Foreign Minister Tangara. The Foreign Minister looked forward to close collaboration and coordination between Pakistan, as the OIC-CFM Chair, and Gambia, as the chair of the OIC Summit.

Meanwhile Shah Mahmood Qureshi received the Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan, MukhtarTileuberdi, for a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the 48th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Minister in Islamabad on Tuesday. 

The Foreign Minister recalled the previous meetings with his Kazakh counterpart and took stock of progress on a wide range of bilateral issues. Both Ministers agreed on the need to further enhance bilateral ties in fields of trade, connectivity, tourism, and people-to-people contacts.

Foreign Minister Qureshi stressed the importance of regular exchanges and institutional mechanisms, including the Joint Ministerial Commission, as well as effective follow-up on their outcomes. He underlined the need to intensify cooperation in the railways and transportation sector.

The two Foreign Ministers also discussed regional issues. Foreign Minister Qureshi apprised Foreign Minister Tileuberdi of Pakistan’s perspective including on human rights violations in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

Both Foreign Ministers reaffirmed the commitment to continue enhancing bilateral cooperation in all areas of mutual interest, including at regional and international forums like UN, OIC, SCO and ECO.