Peace conference, titled ‘UN must rescue Peace from the Indian misinterpretations’ held in Sadonatti

SADONATTI, Sep 20 (SABAH): Institute of Multi-Track Dialogue, Development & Diplomatic Studies organised the Peace Conference with the Collaboration of the Girls PG College -Palanadi.

The Peace conference, titled ‘UN must rescue Peace from the Indian misinterpretations ‘, was a significant event attended by students, scholars, and community leaders, including the top leadership from AJ&K. The meeting was aimed to be organised on the occasion of International Peace Day, commemorated every year on the 21st of September. The key messages of the conference were to remind that life, liberty, and property are fundamental rights, not derivative ones, and shall be applicable universally to bring peace and harmony, in the world, particularly the South Asian regional Kashmir and Palestine.

The conference also emphasized the role of academia in promoting peace and the need for the UN to address the misinterpretation of peace by India in Kashmir and Palestine. Minister of Higher Education AJ&K, Malik Zaffar, Minister and local MLA Sardar Mohammad Hussain, Special Advisor to PM-AJ&K, Ms Nabeela Ayub, Divisional Director Education Shmasi, Principal College Miss Nazia Akbar and Director IDDS Dr Waleed Rasool addressed the conference. The notable top personalities are University Professors, Deputy Commissioner, professors, and scholars from various Public and Private Institutes of the AJK also attended the conference. Chief Guest shed light on the education and its role in building peace around the world and making valuable bounds through higher education; he said that Academia is a credible institute that can bridge world peace and promote the soft image of our country. He emphasised that Peace and war can’t go to her, and the world must take cognisance of India to ensure peace and stability while protecting Human rights in Kashmir.

Minister Sardar Mohammad Hussain said peace is the prerequisite to maintaining a just world where everyone can concentrate on equality. The scholars have a crucial role to play because Pakistan is the biggest contributor to the Peace Corps in the United Nations Peace mission. The foundation of Pakistan is based on Peace. Therefore, Global Powers must reciprocate Pakistan’s Peace juncture and headlining of India has no base expert to promote state terrorism to deny the fundamental rights of the Kashmiri people.

The Special Advisor to PM Miss Nabeela Ayob emphasised that the Trajectory for the League of Nations’ basic purpose was to ensure and safeguard world Peace and protect the world from future wars. She said that the misinterpretation of the peace by India needs to be deconstructed, and the true peace in which life, Liberty and the property rights of Kashmir under the Indian occupation must be restored. Pakistan’s peace junctures are always for peace, but it is not the weakness but the power and commitment to Peace.

Dr. Waleed Rasool stressed that Unity is a minimal contribution from the mass’s side when the Indian countries are precipitating. It is the duty of the students to keep vigilant on the fault lines, grey areas, and fissures on which the enemy is working. Unity in diversity is the key, and the OIC must indict Article-5, like that of NATO, in the constitution to make the OIC a prominent actor in the Gestretegy and geopolitics. The allies must be one unit to balance in the multi-polar world.

Principal College Miss Nazia Akbar thanked the participants, delegates and the audience and said, Collective we stand, and separately we fall. We must forge unity in our ranks and files for the most significant cause of bringing peace to Kashmir and Palatine. To achieve peace, we must pool our resources collectively towards one direction. Peace will be restored; however, the UN has the crucial role of containing misinterpretations of peace. The Awards were distributed at the end among the best performers in Academia. Students presented the Taboo to remind the world powers that peace demands their support in resolving the Kashmir issue amicably.