Muhammad Ali Durrani chairs roundtable discussion jointly organized by Syed Belal, President ESaR Trust & Riphah University

ISLAMABAD, Sep 06 (SABAH): An extensive Roundtable discussion presided by Muhammad Ali Durrani, ex-information minister and senator, was jointly organized by Syed Belal, President ESaR Trust and Riphah University.

The topic of the roundtable conference was “Fortifying the Federation: internal threats to Pakistan”.

Speakers from Islamabad, Karachi and USA expressed their views. Questions were asked by the participants from USA, Canada and those present in the hall.

There was consensus that the government should work to bring all ethnic, regional, linguistic groups together and must equal rights and respect. Constitution of Pakistan must be recognised by all the groups.

The speakers said that the disappointments, distrust, unrest can be eliminated by giving respect. Right of locals in the natural resources must be admitted. The speakers said that the government should be clearly decided and accepted as democratic system.

The speakers also presented the idea of unity government, based on all the parties in parliament. The speakers said that fraudulently conducting election is worse than not conducting elections. The speakers said that the respect to popular will is paramount for federation and democracy.