Current situation of country is result of the blind confidence on investors & vested interests: Ameerl Azim

 LAHORE, Mar 14 (SABAH): Secretary General Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Ameerul Azim has said that the current situation of the country is the result of the blind confidence on the investors and vested interests. He said that Imran Khan left the honest person like Justice (retd) Wajihuddin Ahmed and relied on the looters and turncoats, which has coast him a lot. He said that once again it has been proved that instead of carrying out ideological struggle, the traditional ways are become the cause of sinking of boat at the middle of the sea.  
This was stated by Ameerul Azim while addressing a gathering at Mansoorah on Monday. Ameerul Azim said that the big parties of the county talk about the democracy but they did never elected their leadership through transparent elections. He said that the loyal of the foreigners, landlords and looters have destroyed the ideological identity, economy and geography of the country. He said that the people who have been tested for years are once again trying to fool the masses, adding that Jamaat-e-Islami is struggling against this rotten system.
Ameerul Azim said that PTI government has been included in the list of the failed governments, adding that JI supports holding of immediate elections. He said that JI will not support any party, which has increased corruption in country instead of decreasing it and also brought cyclone of inflation and unemployment. He said that PTI has made history of the bad governance and fooled the masses on the name of the change. He said that PTI has been proved as status quo party, adding that the struggle of JI is for change of the system instead of changing any individual.
Ameerul Azim has appealed the nation to support JI for the implementation of Quran and Sunnah in the country.