PTI MNAs who were elected on symbol of BAT are bound to vote for Imran Khan constitutionally & morally: Qureshi

MULTAN, Mar 12 (SABAH): Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi has said that Pakistan is hosting historic event of the meeting of OIC Foreign Minister’s Council on 22nd and 23rd of this month in Islamabad.

Talking to media in Multan on Saturday, he said that foreign ministers of 46 Islamic countries have confirmed their participation in the meeting and this number could also be increased. He said that Afghanistan, Kashmir, Palestine, other important international issues, Islamophobia and other important issues being faced by Muslim Ummah will be discussed during the OIC Foreign Minister’s Council meeting. He said that the image of State of Pakistan is linked to this and I am hopeful that the opposition leaders will not create any hurdle in the meeting.

Replying a question, Shah Mahmood Qureshi said that Imran Khan has met with members of the Punjab Assembly and whole party has given the authority to Imran Khan for making any decision about the fate of the Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Ahmed Khan Buzdar at anytime and whole party will accept the decision. Replying a question, Shah Mahmood Qureshi said that Dr. Akhtar Malik is PTI MPA and provincial minister and he is committed to support the party.

Speaking about the recent Indian missile incident, Shah Mahmood Qureshi said that India is saying that missile fire is unintentional mistake. He asked if it was mistake then who would be responsible of any possible loss of lives.

He said that world countries including USA, France and China have been informed about the fire of missile.

Speaking about the national politics, Shah Mahmood Qureshi said that he has already said that he could not see any Tareen group and he did not give any importance to it, adding that Abdul Aleem Khan is our friend and there is no group. He said that PTI MNAs who were elected on symbol of BAT are bound to PTI constitution and mandate and are bound to vote for Imran Khan constitutionally and morally. He said that no PTI MNA will sell his vote, adding that if anyone will do this then he should resign from his seat morally and then contest the election according to his choice of party and vote for it after election. He said that the constitution says the person who was elected on the sign of BAT is bound to tow the party line in vote of no-confidence and finance bill constitutionally, morally and legally.

Replying a question, Shah Mahmood Qureshi said that Speaker NA will decide about the day of voting on no-confidence motion and it is his right and he is taking legal advice and we will accept the decision of the NA Speaker Asad Qaiser.

The Foreign Minister said that Speaker of National Assembly is empowered to decide about the vote counting of such member who cast his vote against party.

He said that allies of the government including PML Q and MQM are standing with our government and we are confident that we will defend no-confidence motion.