If you hate Israel, we don’t want you in our country: Trump

WASHINGTON, D.C. (SABAH): During an address, the former president of the USA Donald Trump has said that if you hate Israel, we don’t want you in our country. He said, “I will arrest and deport all Hamas and jihad supporters.”

He said, “As your president, I will stand once again with Israel and protect Jewish communities.”

He said, “I put America first, protect America, and I will defend “Judeo-Christian civilization” against the barbarian savages and left-wing extremists who want to destroy it.”

“Together we will fight the anti-Semitic forces and we will win and save Israel,” he noted.   “I will ban the resettlement of refugees from terrorist areas such as the Gaza Strip,” he added. 

“We will arrest the pro-Hamas thugs who are vandalizing federal property. American taxpayers do not subsidize the establishment of terrorist sponsors on American soil,” he said.

He furthered, “Colleges will stop anti-Semitic propaganda, or lose their accreditation and every single federal support.”

He concluded, “If you hate Israel, we don’t want you in our country. I will arrest and deport all Hamas and jihad supporters.”