I felicitate govt & people of Pakistan on the eve of country’s 77th anniversary: Muhammad Farooq Rehmani

ISLAMABAD, Aug 13 (SABAH): Muhammad Farooq Rehmani, Chairman J&K People’s Freedom League, ex Convener All Parties Hurriyet Conference AJ&K, has on the eve of the Independence Day of Pakistan in his message stated:

 “I felicitate the Government and the people of Pakistan on the eve of the country’s 77th anniversary and pay glowing tributes to the martyrs and freedom fighters of the Pakistan movement, who sacrificed their lives, joined a great political struggle and left their land and property to create the new independent state of their urges and aspirations.

Today, we remember all those freedom fighters who sacrificed their everything from 1857, in the war of independence against the colonialists and later during the Islamic renaissance , inspired by great ideologues like Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Maulana Altaf Hussain Hali, Shah Waliallah and Dr. Muhammad Iqbal and many others and in the 30s and 40s of the 20th century the torch of freedom went into the secure and safe hands of a great politician Quad e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who won the final round of the battle for an Independent and sovereign nation- state most  resiliently on 14th August , 1947.

The war of independence was victorious against the British colonialists and Hindutva chaunists under the charismatic political leadership of Muhammad Ali Jinnah by peaceful means of struggle. Notwithstanding, Partition line was not drawn on the basis of Justice by the last Governor General of India in connivance with the Congress party. Both Muslim majority provinces–Punjab and Bengal were divided and Jammu and Kashmir the only Muslim majority princly State was invaded and annexed by the Indian troops.

Pakistan was founded on the principles of democracy, Islamic ideology and economic uplift of the people to give them equal opportunities to establish an egalitarian progressive society. The Constitution of Pakistan ensures and guarantees all such promises to every citizen without any prejudice.

But, in the 21century, the country is gripped with economic and political crisis under the hea y weight of inflation, recession, price-hike , unemployment and State’s enormity of conditions shaking trust of the people in behaviour and methodology of the rulers at the helm of affairs.

Today , the ship of the nation is in whirlpool and the collective responsibility of its leadership is to sacrifice individual interests and restore trust of the people by ensuring political -democratic integrity and stability and social and economic security of every citizen on the basis of Islamic economic justice and an accountability free from prejudices “.