Dr. Nisar Hamdani addresses Tehran University on ‘Universal Horizons from Ashoor to Zahoor’

MUZAFFARABAD, July 22 (SABAH): The Faculty of Theology at Tehran University hosted a global webinar exploring the universal message of Imam Hussain’s sacrifice at Karbala and its connection to the rise of Islamic values worldwide. This event attracted scholars and researchers from various countries, offering a unifying perspective on values like justice and human perfection (Kamaal-e-Insaan).

From Pakistan, Dr. Nisar Hamdani delivered a thought-provoking speech on “Quranic Horizons of Ashoor to Zahoor: Foundations for Imam Mahdi’s Divine Governance.” In his address, Dr. Hamdani elaborated on how Imam Hussain’s values and actions during the Battle of Karbala are deeply rooted in Quranic principles and align with the anticipated savior of humanity, Imam Mahdi.

Dr. Hamdani introduced a framework categorizing human actions into four domains: self, other humans, other creatures, and God. He emphasized how Imam Hussain’s life perfectly balanced these domains, setting a timeless example of courage, compassion, justice, and faith.

Key Quranic verses such as Surah Al-Baqara (2:155), Surah At-Tawbah (9:111), and Surah Al-Fajr (89:27-30) were highlighted to showcase how Imam Hussain’s journey was rooted in divine guidance and how these principles remain relevant in contemporary society.

Dr. Hamdani also discussed six essential principles from Imam Hussain’s will to his brother Mohammad e Hanfia, including the reform of Ummah, enjoining good, reviving Sunnah, standing against oppressors, migration for the cause of Allah, and Jihad in the way of Allah. He explained how these principles are crucial for the mission of Imam Mahdi and the responsibilities of his followers.

The webinar underscored the importance of values such as justice, truth, and compassion in both historical and contemporary contexts. Dr. Hamdani emphasized how these values are essential for those who seek justice, oppose tyranny, and await the establishment of a just governance under Imam Mahdi and Jesus Christ.

Dr. Hamdani, a distinguished scholar often invited by foreign universities, urged universities and researchers to reconsider their curricula to incorporate a holistic approach to human development and ethical upbringing (tarbiyat). He highlighted that the structured approach presented in the Divine Model of Human Action, developed by himself, could enrich academic discourse and foster a deeper understanding of universal values.