Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan officials hold a press conference regarding ‘sacrifice fi Sabeelullah’

LAHORE, June 10 (SABAH): Vice President and Chairman Community Services Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan Zikrullah Mujahid has said that the preparations for the “Sacrifice fi Sabilullah” project have been completed and Alkhidmat will sacrifice 6,000 large and 4,000 small animals in Pakistan for the Palestinian victims of Gaza, including orphans, widows, the poor and the needy. 20 lakh people will be benefited from this drive.

Meat will be sent to Gaza in half-cooked ton packs according to international standards, which will be usable for two years. Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan Vice President Zakarullah Mujahid, National Director Muwakhat Program Mian Babar Hameed, CEO Khabib Bilal and Senior Manager Media Relations Shoaib Hashmi participated in the press conference at Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan Head Office.

On this occasion, Zakrullah Mujahid said that Gaza is currently suffering from a severe food shortage, similarly in Pakistan, bitter facts have emerged from the experience of the past several decades that there are a large number of people in the country who eat meat only on the occasion of Eid al-Adha. Along with philanthropists from Pakistan, a large part of the donations received by Alkhidmat consists of donations sent by Pakistanis living abroad and brotherly organizations, he added. 

He said in Europe, America and countries where buying animals, caring for them sacrificing them and distributing their meat is difficult or the sacrifice facilities are not available and the laws there are also strict in this regard. Since Alkhidmat Foundation has extensive experience of sacrifice for the sake of Allah across the country, philanthropists from foreign countries send their donation money to Alkhidmat Foundation, which arranges to deliver the meat of the sacrifice to the deserving after completing all the stages of the sacrifice, he added.

 He said in view of the modern trends, modern methods are now being adopted to perform nationwide sacrifice and to deliver its meat to the deserving people in far-flung backward areas.

Alkhidmat performs this process of sacrifice in traditional methods as well as in modern slaughterhouses, he noted.  Where slaughtering, cutting of meat and subsequent packing is done in a hygienic environment under the supervision of experienced staff using state-of-the-art machines, he added.

The meat is transported to remote areas by chiller trucks keeping in mind hygiene rules to protect it from weather effects and maintain freshness. This year too, the services of modern slaughterhouses are being obtained in Karachi, Lahore and some other cities.

Zikrullah Mujahid said that Alkhidmat Foundation is a nationwide organization whose volunteers are present in all four provinces including Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan, adding that these volunteers also offer their services for the Qurbani project of Alkhidmat Foundation.

He said central, regional and district level monitoring committees have also been formed to take care of the procurement of the Qurbani animals and their maintenance, adding that all the stages of Qurbani are being monitored. Alkhidmat has developed Qurbani software to make the Qurbani process more transparent and efficient. In which the sacrifice sent by philanthropists or any donor organization is being compiled through the software for booking, purchasing, date and location of sacrifice and donor reporting in view of monitoring and reporting in the regions and districts.