Neuralink Telepathy: mind controlled actions now a reality!…

Could anyone believe that the childhood fantasy of moving objects with just a thought would one day become a reality? Well, technological development never ceases to impress, and now in the year 2024, Elon Musks newly launched product Neuralink Telepathy vows to accomplish just that.

This small coin shaped device a brain computer interface chip is designed to connect your brain both to your phone and computer. These chips consist of flexible hair like fibers that are precisely inserted into the brain using a surgical sewing machine like robot, understanding the underlying patterns in the human brain signals, and decoding them into specific actions.

The company initially commenced trials on primates (and pigs) in 2017 to ensure the chip worked. However, in December 2022, the company came under federal investigation due to allegations of mistreatment, including the killing and mishandling of animal participants. For example, in 2021, Neuralink implanted 25 out of 60 pigs with devices that were the wrong size. Afterward, the company killed all the affected pigs.

Furthermore, veterinary reports indicate that Neuralinks monkeys also suffered gruesome fates. In one monkey, a bit of the device broke off during implantation in the brain. The monkey scratched and yanked until part of the device was dislodged, and infections took hold. Another monkey developed bleeding in her brain, with the implant leaving parts of her cortex tattered. Both animals were euthanised.

The agencys major safety concerns involved the devices lithium battery; the potential for the implants tiny wires to migrate to other areas of the brain; and questions over whether and how the device can be removed without damaging brain tissue, the employees said.

Despite all allegations, Neuralink received the green signal from FDA for human clinical trials.

The project then gained immense popularity in January 2024, when the first human trial was conducted on Noland Arbaugh, a 29-year-old patient with quadriplegia. Arbaugh was able to play chess by simply visualising his moves, deeming the project successful. This demonstration highlighted the potential for Neuralinks technology to enable new forms of interaction between humans and computers while still leaving room for improvement.

The real question is: will this invention prove to be an asset or a liability?

Originally, Musk claimed that its neural device would allow disabled people to regain movement and restore vision to the blind. But this is not his end goal, rather a step on the way to achieving a much wider long-term objective. That objective is, to achieve a symbiosis with artificial intelligence. He hopes to counter the fear of AI eventually surpassing human intelligence.

Generally, people underestimate the capability of AI. They sort of think its like a smart human, but its going to be much more than that. Itll be much smarter than the smartest human, states Musk.

Musks proposed solution: If you cant beat em, join em.

Alongside Neuralink, companies like Synchron and research institutions like Rice University offer promising solutions for treating depression and neurological diseases with less invasive methods, further shaping the future of human-AI interaction.

While the concept seems captivating at first glance, it risks intruding on privacy and complicating thought processes. Experts worry that such brain devices may be vulnerable to hacking. What will happen if someone intercepts the connection and uses it to control your thoughts and hence your actions? Neuroethicists refer to this as brainjacking.

In conclusion, Neuralinks Telepathy offers an alluring glimpse into a future where humans and AI merge minds. While promising newfound freedoms, it also raises alarms about privacy, manipulation as well as the relating biological side effects. As we stride forward, let us ensure innovation is tempered with caution, steering toward a future where technology enriches rather than encroaches upon humanity.

Courtesy The Express Tribune