Hafiz Naeemur Rehman pledges to thwart any attempts to normalize relations with Israel for financial gain

LAHORE, April 20 (SDABAH): Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Emir Engineer Hafiz Naeemur Rehman has pledged to thwart any attempts to normalize relations with Israel for financial gain, firmly rejecting the two-state solution to the Palestine issue.
Speaking at the Palestine Solidarity March outside the US consulate in Lahore on Saturday, Hafiz Naeemur Rehman reiterated his stance against the government, which he said came to power through fraudulent means, asserting that the people have lost faith in it to champion the cause of Palestine.

Nevertheless, he emphasized that the JI demanded the government to raise its voice for Palestine or brace itself for the wrath of the people.

Referring to Quaid-i-Azam’s stance, he denounced Israel as an illegitimate state, formed by seizing Palestinian Muslim land. He said Pakistani rulers now are being offered dollars to recognize Palestine and relinquish Kashmir, warning that the nation would vehemently resist such schemes.
Hafiz Naeemur Rehman called for a summit of Muslim nations and non-Muslim states sympathetic to the Palestinian cause to advocate for a ceasefire. He urged Islamabad to extend medical assistance to Gazans, especially children, as a minimum gesture of support.

This march marked the first public gathering led by JI Emir after assuming office. Thousands, including children and women, attended the solidarity rally.

Hafiz Naeemur Rehman condemned the US, Israel, and India as the three foremost terrorist countries responsible for civilian bloodshed and gross human rights violations. He hailed the people of Gaza for their historic resilience, considering it a lesson for the entire Muslim community. He emphasized that a cowardly life held no honour and respect, foreseeing a not-too-distant future where Palestine would be liberated, reshaping the map of the Middle East. He decried Israel’s indiscriminate killing of civilians, lamenting US support for its aggression while Muslim leaders looked to Washington for a ceasefire.

He highlighted global solidarity with the people of Gaza, with many in Western nations speaking out against the injustice and advocating for a ceasefire, contrasting sharply with their leaders’ support for Israel’s actions.