A number of Kashmiris detained in different jails of Occupied Kashmir & India not released even after completing their terms & judicial orders

SRINAGAR, April 15 (SABAH): A number of Kashmiris detained in different jails of Occupied Kashmir and India were not released even after completing their term and judicial orders. In this category, a number of detainees have been in jails from 20 to 25 years.

These detained Kashmiris have been kept in jails without any basic facilities including health facilities due to which they are suffering from many diseases and their lives are in threat.

According to a special report of “SABAH”, details of such prisoners have been given in the following lines. Muhammad Ayub Dar has been detained in Srinagar Central Jail since last 25 years. Nazeer Ahmed Sheikh has been detained since last 22 years in Srinagar Central Jail. Muhammad Ayub Mir has been kept in different jails since 23 years and at this time he is passing his time in notorious Tihar Jail whereas Shaukat Ahmed has been detained in different jails since last 20 years and now he has been incarcerated in Srinagar Central Jail.

Including these Kashmiris, there are hundreds of Kashmiris who are still detained despite the fact they have completed life imprisonment. Occupational administration and Modi government are not ready to release them despite the court orders. These prisoners due to unavailability of basic needs are suffering from many diseases. A number of detainees due to investigation have deprived of their eyesight. Some are such detainees who entire life passed in imprisonment.

Modi administration is using all tactics to crush freedom movement in which bad behavior with the detainees is top of the list. A number of detainees have been kept in far off jails where they have been deprived of medical facilities. Their transfer in far off jails is violation of orders of Indian Supreme Court.