Once again an atmosphere of anti-Muslim riots has been created in India: Liaqat Baloch

LAHORE, Feb 13 (SABAH): Deputy Chief of Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan and Secretary General Milli Yakjehti Council Liaqat Baloch has said that once again an atmosphere of anti-Muslim riots has been created in India. In India, the so-called game of democracy has become a bloody and anti-minority game. All elements of democracy in India are declining. Elections in the five constituencies of the Hindu-Muslim jointly populated areas are being made deadly for Muslims.

Leaders of the Milli Yakjehti Council, Liaqat Baloch, Allama Arif Hussain Wahidi, Peer Safdar Gilani, Allama Saqib Akbar, Nazir Ahmad Janjua, Syed Nasir Shirazi in a joint statement condemned India’s anti-Muslim policies and the actions of extremist, fanatical and terrorist Hindu Brahmins and called on the United Nations, the European Union and the OIC to take note of the recent developments of dangerous humanitarian situation within India. Indian fanatics should be stopped from killing and vandalism. According to the United Nations Charter of Human Rights, this is the responsibility of the international community. Leaders of the Milli Yakjehti Council strongly condemned the oppression, barbarism and violation of human rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir by the Indian fascist regime in Occupied Kashmir and said that along with the whole of India, genocide in its illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir is being carried out. The risk is increasing. The BJP and Hindu terrorist organizations are openly demanding genocide of Muslims and persecution of other minorities. Muslims and Dalits are being killed through violence. The international community should take action against India instead of being a silent spectator to the destruction of mosques, churches, arrest of innocent workers and increasing atrocities on minorities.

In a joint statement released on Sunday, the central leaders of the Milli Yakjehti Council said that the United Nations Security Council should take immediate steps for a peaceful and lasting solution to the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with its resolutions. In the work of peace and security, the United Nations must take priority measures, not partiality, prejudice and favoritism, but the freedom of all human beings, the protection of fundamental rights and the elimination of the causes of oppression, violence and extremism. All religious, national, political and democratic sections of Pakistan appreciate the everlasting sacrifices for the freedom and self-determination of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. These eternal sacrifices will not go in vain. The Government of Pakistan should address the ambiguities and concerns created on the National Security Policy. Kashmiris should not be left at the mercy of Brahmanical imperialism. The government should realize that the anger of Kashmiris is growing. Negative messages of despair from Islamabad to the people of Jammu and Kashmir will lead to dangerous consequences for national security.