Imtiaz Aalam: Legacy of Courage…Sheikh Farkhanda

The tragic events of February 20, 2023, marked the untimely passing of a significant figure in the realm of freedom fighting and armed resistance leadership. Peer Bashir Ahmed, famously known as Imtiaz Aalam, met his end in a fatal assault by unidentified assailants in Burma Town, near Khanna Dak.

Imtiaz Aalam’s journey began long before his martyrdom. Born into a family with a history of resistance against oppression, he inherited a legacy of defiance and courage. His early experiences, witnessing the injustices faced by his people, fueled his determination to seek freedom for Kashmir. Growing up in the shadow of occupation, Imtiaz Aalam was acutely aware of the struggles faced by his community. Inspired by the sacrifices of his forefathers, he made a conscious choice to dedicate his life to the liberation cause.

His decision to join the armed resistance in 1990 was not taken lightly but was driven by a deep sense of duty. He understood that true liberation required not only armed resistance but also the fortification of mental resilience among his comrades. Despite facing relentless persecution from Indian forces, including the tragic loss of his family and home, Imtiaz Aalam remained resolute in his pursuit of justice. His assassination sent shockwaves through the Kashmiri armed resistance movement and served as a stark reminder of the risks faced by those who dared to challenge the status quo.

In 1990, Aalam was severely wounded in the Zafar Khanni battle in Kupwara district and was subsequently arrested. Despite spending two years in jail, he remained undeterred and rejoined the armed resistance upon his release. The Indian occupational forces, in a desperate bid to break his spirit, martyred his father and brother and razed his ancestral home in the Kupwara district. Despite the immense personal sacrifices he endured, Imtiaz Alam remained committed to finding a peaceful resolution to the Kashmir conflict. He believed in the power of dialogue and diplomacy but recognized that these efforts must be backed by unwavering resolve and a readiness to defend the rights of the oppressed by any means necessary. His unwavering faith in the cause of freedom was unshaken. Shaheed Imtiyaz Aalam was a fearless and valiant freedom fighter, a true embodiment of the spirit of resistance. The manner in which he was targeted, coming out from a mosque after evening prayers, underscored the ruthless tactics employed by oppressors to silence dissent. But Aalam’s mission will continue, and Kashmir will see the dawn of freedom, InshaAllah. Imtiaz Aalam’s memory remains a guiding light, illuminating the path towards liberation. His indomitable spirit lives on in every protester, every activist, and every freedom fighter who refuses to surrender to tyranny.

As we reflect on Imtiaz Aalam’s life and legacy, let us recommit ourselves to the principles for which he gave his life. Let us work tirelessly to guarantee that the rights and voices of oppressed communities everywhere, including those in Kashmir, are acknowledged. Let us stand in solidarity with them. By doing this, we pay tribute to Imtiaz Aalam and maintain the spark of hope for a more promising and equitable future for everybody.

I pray that Kashmir will see the dawn of freedom one day and that Imtiaz Alam’s vision of a freed homeland will come true.

The writer is a researcher at International Islamic University Islamabad