Contrary to perception the majority of Pakistani youth hopeful of general elections 2024 being held in transparent manner: VOA Survey

ISLAMABAD, Feb 01 (SABAH): It has been revealed in the Survey conducted by Voice of America (VOA) that contrary to the perception the majority of the Pakistani youth is hopeful of general elections 2024 being held in transparent manner. Nearly 65 percent youth expressed the hope that the elections will be held fair and transparent manner.

Three in four Pakistanis believe elections will steer the country in the right direction, two in three expect the elections to be free & fair.

Multi-National Pakistani organization IPSOS has conducted survey titled Political Participation and Landscape of Pakistani Youth Findings based on Research Conducted for VOA. The survey has been conducted from 3rd January to 12th January from the youth aged between 18 years to 34 years.

According to the survey, TV, social media, and word of mouth are considered most preferred sources. The female population prefers TV more than males, while males prefer social media for news.

Among youth – WhatsApp is the most used social media platform with 46%, followed by Facebook 40%, TikTo 23%, Instagram 17%. Twitter, is only 8%. Social media usage has significant gender disparity.

There’s a division on whether media covers the issues that really

matter, a significant 2 in 5 think it doesn’t…Males and affluent are over indexed in this sentiment.

Economic issues surpass all other issues in salience, whereas education and health are the biggest priorities.

Highest importance given to health and education in aided responses, military’s interference in politics is of least importance (comparatively).

Citizen’s level of trust on Institutions. Citizens trust in Pakistan Army is 74%, Supreme Court 58%, Media 54%, political parties 50%, provincial government49%, Parliament 47%, Federal government 47% and Election Commission 42%.

Youth of Pakistan hardly stays informed or active in politics.…. Still, 70% claim to vote in upcoming elections. From 2018 to 2024, 1 in 5 have switched their preferred party.

FOR candidates with honesty, integrity, and high ethical standards.

Factors Influencing Choices and Perceptions of Political Concern include Honesty, Integrity, and Ethical Standards 56%, Understanding of Public Needs and Empathy 11% and Leadership Skills and Problem-solving Ability 9%.

Half of Pakistani youth 48% think elections will not affect their daily life. 3 in 5 youngsters in Pakistan think political leaders do not understand their issues or priorities, sentiment is higher in females, rural, as well as in Islamabad.

When voting, the political party matters more than the individual candidate. 1 in 5 vote for candidate irrespective of the Party.

Half of the Pakistani youth’s decision to vote is influenced by their families, more incase of females and the underprivileged.

2 in 3 young Pakistanis 68% believe in the fairness of upcoming 2024 elections.

1 in 3, 64% believe that there is “international influence” on Pakistan.

Most 77% don’t want to immigrate; those who do are mainly higher class men.