Sirajul Haq expresses shock & grief over the death of young National Assembly candidate in Bajaur

LOWER DIR, Feb 01 (SABAH): Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Emir Sirajul Haq has expressed shock and grief over the death of young National Assembly candidate in Bajaur.

Speaking at an election rally in Lower Dir, Sirajul Haq demanded justice for Rehan Zeb Khan, saying the government failed to fulfill its responsibility to provide protection to citizens. He held the former governments responsible for prevailing security situation, inflation and unemployment. Those who ruled over the people for years have desperately failed to provide with masses any relief, he said. The PML-N and the PPP, he said, were now again seeking power. The former ruling parties, he added, instead showcase their past performance. They had done nothing for the betterment of masses in the past, he said. And, he added, now the ruling elite again making tall claims, trying to deceive the public.

Sirajul Haq appealed to the people to vote against the dynasties and mafias rule in this election. He said the election day on February 8 would present with the best opportunity to the public to shape their bright future. He said the tested parties would never bring about any solution to the country’s problem even if they again came to power.

The former rulers, he said, looted the national exchequer, utilizing country’s resources for personal benefits. They kept deprived the masses of basic facilities, he said. A majority lacked access to even clean drinking water and 2.80 million children were out of schools, he said. The JI, he vowed, would ensure peace and prosperity if voted to power.

Sirajul Haq said the country, during seven decades, went through many experiences from dictatorship to so-called civil-democratic governments led by the political parties. Yet, he said, the Islamic system was never introduced despite the desire of the majority. The JI, he said, would provide with the people the system based on Quran and Sunnah.