KC-EU organizes Candle Light Vigil in Brussels for expressing solidarity with the oppressed people of IIOJK

BRUSSELS, Feb 05 (SABAH): Kashmir Council Europe (KC-EU)  organized an event of candle light vigil in Brussels, the capital of Belgium in order to express solidarity with oppressed people of  Indian illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

The program was arranged at European Squire in front of Central Station in Brussels, the EU headquarters in in connection with Kashmir Solidarity Day

A large number of people from all walks of life show their interest and asked questions about the situation in the occupied Kashmir. A Video about Kashmir was also displayed on a wider screen on the occasion.

On the occasion, Chairman Kashmir Council EU Ali Raza Syed said, we came here to express solidarity with the oppressed people of Indian occupied Kashmir suffering from Indian brutalities for last seven decades.

About genocide in occupied Kashmir, he a gave example of a minor Kashmiri youth who in 2003 in a very youth age mistakenly crossed line of control from Azad Kashmir to occupied Kashmir but was arrested by the Indian forces. The forces killed him in a fake encounter in December last year after a long prison with out any trial.

He also talked about human rights defenders Khurram Parvez and Ahsan Untoo and journalist Sajjad Gul who are in prison for raising issues of human rights violations in occupied Kashmir. Having their pictures in their hands the organizors called for the early release.

Concerning genocide of people of Kashmir by the Indian forces, he gave reference of recent statement of President of Genocide Watch who declared similarity of situation in occupied Kashmir and genocide in Rwanda.

By condemning the atrocities and genocide of Kashmiris committed by Indian Occupation forces, he paid great tribute to the brave people of Kashmir struggling for their right to self-determination.

Chairman KC-EU emphasized said, we will continue our support to the people of Kashmir till suitable resolution of the Kashmir dispute. People of Kashmir are struggling peacefully for right to self-determination and there should be plebiscite under United Nations supervision in order to make clear political fate of the disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir.

Chairman Kashmir Council EU pointed out that deployment of eight lakhs Indian troops in IIOJK is a proof of brutal occupation as a large scale human rights violations are being committed by these occupation forces. Indian authorities are engaged to press the peaceful mass movement by use of force and brutalities specially massacre of the innocent Kashmiris.

Ali Raza Syed demanded that UN and EU should play their role for a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir issue. He also urged the Human Rights Organizations to pressurize India to stop severe violations of human rights in IIOJK.