Struggle of women for sit-in had played a central role in advancing our position: Hafiz Naeem

KARACHI, Feb 04 (SABAH): Emir Jamaat-e-Islami Karachi Engineer Hafiz Naeemur Rehman said that the struggle of women for sit-in had played a central role in advancing our position.

He expressed these views while addressing a quarterly meeting of social media leaders and social media activists under Jamaat-e-Islami Women’s Circle at Arqam Islamic Center. Emir JI Karachi fully appreciated the recent role of the District Broadcasting Department and said that their struggle spread widely through social media and the move played a key role in advancing their position and that was how the hearts of ordinary people had been knocked. Constant efforts, sit-ins and protests helped us to mobilize and attract the attention of the people and finally the demands were accepted.

Hafiz Naeemur Rehman added that constant efforts, sit-ins and protests helped in mobilizing and attracting the attention of the people and finally the demands were accepted. He thanked Almighty Allah in getting success to gain public support when they started working on public issues like K Electric, NADRA issue and Water Board issues. “There was a lot of excitement with each passing day of the sit-in and every worker was committed to continue the sit-in” he noted.

“Our women took part in the sit-ins and marches in full force and the situation became very encouraging,” Hafiz Naeemur Rehman further added. He clarified that the protest turned out to be one of the biggest protests of women in the history of Karachi. He emphasized that they would no more be discouraged by the negative tactics of falsehood.