CJP Faez Isa stops from writing aala adliya for Supreme Court

ISLAMABAD, Nov 28 (SABAH): After stopping to call a government official “sahib”, Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faez Isa has now barred writing “aala adliya” (higher judiciary) for the apex court.

The CJP was furious on Tuesday when a lawyer called the Supreme Court “aala adliya” which means higher judiciary. The chief justice issued orders not to call Supreme Court “aala adliya” and dictated his verdict also.

CJP Isa observed that the words “aala adliya” have not been mentioned in the Constitution for the Supreme Court. It should be called Supreme Court as ordained in the Constitution, he added.

It may be recalled that the CJP, in his remarks a few months ago, observed that it was not appropriate to call supreme and high courts “honourable”.

The CJP, while hearing a case recently, had also stopped use of word “sahib” for a government official.