A whisper of hope(lessness)…Ali Hassan Bangwar

The time we live in is the winter of Pakistans history. This is evident from the ever-growing sense of weariness, accelerating capital flight, and the withering inclination to live. Unprecedented inflation, instability and lawlessness have robbed people of their often-quoted resilience, patience and passion. Grinding poverty and the unending hike in the cost of living have pushed peoples lives to the brink of collapse. Whether or not one acknowledges it, the lives of the poor and middle class have become unsustainable. For instance, living warrants engaging in labour and paying taxes; however, this hardly translates to public benefits in any of the promised forms. The rewards of most of the publics labour get funneled to the power elite to live by and thrive on. More worrying, however, is the absence of any light at the end of the tunnel.

Amidst growing hopelessness, dwindling interest and reason for living, there is a need to ignite hope among the people by giving them a why to live. Notwithstanding the grinding plight, life is worth living, not always for oneself though. You might have nothing to gain from society because you have lost everything worth owning. Your disadvantaged position might no longer matter, you might think. It nevertheless does, for hope sustains life, though not necessarily ones own.

In other words, the loss of the worth of ones life shouldnt be taken as conclusive; the same can be a source of sustenance for others. That is to say, when we take a holistic look at existence, we often find a reason to sustain it. Wondering what our hopeless life is good for? Its for our beloved countrys respectable elite. You still matter; you are the hope of the elite. You are still an asset to them. Frankly speaking, serving the elite seems the only reason left for people to wrestle with the grinding life.

Staying alive, however improvised, is a source of support for them. This way, contrary to common belief, our hardships dont go in vain; they sustain the lavishness of the elites life. Therefore, instead of giving up on life, we should continue to live for politicians, judges, bureaucracy, capitalists and corporate elite, the same way our ancestors have done since the countrys inception. For if we decide against our existence, who would be there to be fooled by the pretexts of democracy, politics, justice, security and well-being? Who would build the stakes of the hybrid elite?

Who would they claim to have their confidence in when they get threatened by the opposition? Whose votes would they sell for power, perks and prestige? Who would they call for demonstrations when their actions risk landing them in jail? Whose mismanagement they would dub as destiny and beg in the name of? Who would fund the luxuries elected and unelected representatives live in? If we give up on ourselves, who would pay for the exorbitant educational, healthcare and recreational expenditures of the elites children? Who would finance their foreign trips? Who would finance their offshore assets, islands and business ventures? And finally, where they would do their jobs before departing to their home countries abroad?

Notwithstanding their epic inefficiency and apathy towards the public, they have little option other than living on the rights and legitimate labour of the public. No angel or alien would descend to take care of our elite. Therefore, its up to us to sustain their luxuries the way our ancestors have done for decades. If we dont, we betray our forefathers and their lasting legacy.

Still not convinced? Then make sure that giving up would cost you more than not giving up. Your departure would lessen a prospective individual against tyranny in the future. Moreover, your departure would add you to the list of political condolences and grab your relatives votes. Living in these testing times, therefore, is a more productive way of rigging life in our favour than giving up.

Courtesy The Express Tribune