Mushaal informs Abbas Jilani of miseries of Kashmiri people

ISLAMABAD, Sep 5 (SABAH): Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Human Rights and Women Empowerment Mushaal Hussein Mullick discussed the plight of people of the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu (IIOJK) with Caretaker Foreign Minister of Pakistan Jalil Abbas Jilani threadbare on Tuesday. She was also accompanied by her daughter Razia Sultana during the meeting with interim foreign minister.

Mushaal apprised the foreign minister that Razia Sultana could not meet her father senior Hurriyat leader Yasin Malik for the last over eight and half years, who was detained in fake, fabricated and politically motivated cases.

  During the meeting, they discussed ways to enhance collaboration between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Human Rights, and increase global awareness about the ongoing human rights violations in IIOJK.

They agreed on making concerted efforts to promote and ensure a peaceful settlement of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiri people. Both the leaders held discussion on highlighting the ongoing worst human rights violations in the occupied valley at the international level.

She said that the fascist Narendra Modi-led government turned the scenic valley into a world largest open prison and the largest torture cell. Mushaal highlighted that the massive Indian occupying force continued to perpetrate vicious and repressive actions, including extrajudicial killings of innocent Kashmiris in fake encounters, custodial killings and cordon-and-search operations, the use of pellet guns to kill, maim and blind peaceful protestors coupled with the abduction and enforced disappearance of Kashmiri youth.

SAPM on Human Rights and Women Empowerment stated that gravity of the situation could be judged from the fact that the Indian authorities incarcerated the entire Hurriyat leadership including her husband Yasin Malik, who were being subjected to brutal and inhumane treatment and were denied right to fair trial for their sole crime for not accepting the Indian subjugation.

Moreover, Mushaal Hussein Mullick said that the RSS inspired BJP government initiated illegal demographic changes in the occupied territory and new domicile rules had been introduced to settle Hindus in the IIOJK under the nefarious scheme to convert the Muslim majority region into a minority.