Every Muslim must be aware of basic things of religion: Zarafshan Farheen

LAHORE, Aug 29 (SABAH): General Manager Alkhidmat Foundation Women Wing Trust Zarafshan Farheen has said that every Muslim must be aware of basic things of religion.

Zarafshan Farheen expressed these views while addressing the last session of training camp of women. She further said that cleanliness has been declared as one half of faith and continued the women must adopt this quality.

In Islam, she said that it has been stressed to provide the basic facilities to every citizen and added Hazrat Umar’s (RA) period of Caliphate is termed as best example in connection with this. She noted that moral training of the nation plays an important role in the development of the nation and harmony in the society.

In the training camp, 42 women participated in the different stages of the training. Other than this, the participants were taught jummah prayers and the 30th para of the Holy Quran with translation and ablution of the dead bodies. Calligraphy, yoga tips, Eidul Azha, concept of pilgrimage and martyrdom of Hazrat Hussain (RA) were also shed light on.

Zarafshan Farheen said that one has to deal with such matters in the daily life but unluckily majority of us don’t have knowhow that how to purge of the dead body and added “Though we offer prayer but don’t know its objectives, translation and virtues. Like this while living at homes, we don’t know the methods and significance of exercise for passing the healthy life,” she added.

General Manager Alkhidmat Foundation Women Wing Trust remarked, “In the different phases of training camp, it was tried to inculcate awareness among the participants about all of the aspects of life as training with regards to religion and worldly affairs is of paramount significance for passing a successful life.”

“The women who obtained training would be able to promote these training activities to their families and kith and kin,” Zarafshan Farheen noted and continued women could play their crucial role in bringing prosperity and peace in the country. Certificates were also distributed among the participants, teachers and experts as the training camp ended.