Pakistani expatriates in foreign countries are the ambassadors & representatives of the Kashmiris: Sardar Abdul Khaliq Wasi

WASHINGTON, August 28 (SABAH): Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader Sardar Abdul Khaliq Wasi and President Azad Kashmir’s Honrary Advisor Sardar Zarif Khan have said that the issue of Kashmir, highlighting the serious human rights violations by India, and awakening the global conscience has always played a crucial role for the expatriate community, especially those residing in the United States.

Sardar Abdul Khaliq Wasi and Sardar Zarif Khan addressed this in their esteemed speech during a grand reception held at Pakistan House, Washington. Sardar Zarif Khan and Sardar Abdul Khaliq Wasi reached Pakistan House in Maryland, where a large number of Pakistani and Kashmiri community members warmly welcomed them. They were escorted by horseback riders to Pakistan House and presented with bouquets.

Sardar Zarif Khan said that the time is not far when the world will not remain silent on India’s worst atrocities. History teaches us that the dark night of oppression can be long, but it cannot last forever. One day dawn will break. Just as there will be a dawn of hope in Kashmir as well.

A significant number of the Pakistani and Azad Kashmiri community residing in Washington, Maryland and Virginia participated in the ceremony.

During this occasion Sardar Abdul Khaliq Wasi, the senior leader of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz Azad Kashmir and former member of the Kashmir Council, expressed gratitude for President Azad Jammu and Kashmir’s nomination of Sardar Zarif Khan as Honorary Advisor for unity and cohesion among the Pakistani and Kashmiri communities residing in the United States. He conveyed thanks to President Azad Jammu and Kashmir and to the hosts and other participants at Pakistan House, on behalf of the people and government of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, and stated that the people of Pakistan have always supported the demands and right to self-determination of the people of Kashmir. Whenever the Kashmiris faced any difficulties, they stood alongside them. The Kashmiris also decided to join Pakistan on July 19, 1947, even before Pakistan’s creation. The Pakistani expatriates in foreign countries are the ambassadors and representatives of the Kashmiris.

At this moment, the community extended profound gratitude for the splendid reception in honor of Sardar Zarif’s nomination as Presidential Advisor.

Sardar Abdul Khaliq Wasi also thanked the Christian and Hindu communities for their special participation in the event and condemned the unfortunate incident that occurred in Jaranwala in the past days. He stated that on August 11, 1947, during the speech at the Constituent Assembly, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah had clearly laid out the principles of leadership for the new state, declaring that all citizens living in Pakistan, regardless of their religion or ethnicity, would be completely free. They will have complete freedom and equal rights, and they will be able to worship in their mosques, temples, gurdwaras, and places of worship. We, as the followers of Quaid-e-Azam and workers of the Muslim League, will make every effort to ensure the protection of the rights of minorities in Pakistan.

Sardar Abdul Khaliq Wasi mentioned that the Kashmiri diaspora has played a crucial role in raising the Kashmir issue. We are thankful for your services and congratulate you. He reassured that upon their return, they will inform the government and authorities about your emotions and concerns.

On this occasion, the esteemed organizers of Pakistan House, including Muzamm Sahi, Makram Sahi, Gulsher Saahi, Qasim Saahi, former Senator Khawaja Akbar, Chaudhry Shamshad, Sardar Aftab Roshan, Raja Liaquat Kiyani, Malik Hamid, Sardar Zabair Khan, Raja Liaqat Kiani (Kashmir House)Shafiq Shah, Sardar Tariq Nazir, Asif Gondal, Salman Gondal, Hafiz Habibullah, Mian Ramadan, Maulana Jami, Abdul Rahman, Elias Masih, Hindu community representative Raj Rathore, Mubarak Zeib, Raja Ali, Johnny Bashir, Raja Atif, and Abid Khan, also delivered speeches and expressed heartfelt congratulations to Sardar Zarif Khan on his nomination as Presidential Advisor for the United States and assured him of their full cooperation. They also expressed gratitude for Sardar Abdul Khaliq Wasi’s special participation in the event and thanked him for his heartfelt participation.