Imagination and knowledge…Ali Hassan Bangwar

How did the first humans attest to their existence? How did they come to know if they exist? Is human existence a physical property or a conscious awareness of being? We know we exist and are conscious that we exist. However, where does this knowledge and consciousness originate from? What are imagination and knowledge, how do they differ and relate, and how do they contribute to human life? Which of the two holds greater importance in human life, and why?

Imagination is the human minds ability to conceive, visualise and generate ideas, concepts and scenarios with or without sensory perceptions. It is a mental faculty that fosters innovation, develops abstract thinking and envisions the unknown and uncharted realms of possibilities. Whereas knowledge comprises known facts, information and insights gained through conceptualisation, observation, experience, education and revelation. Though imagination and knowledge reciprocally influence each other, the latter largely stems from the former. While knowledge may serve as a foundation, imagination cultivates, evolves, authenticates, recreates and refines knowledge, making it relevant to the dynamic of time. Thus, imagination holds greater importance in shaping holistically the aspects of existence.

First, the ideas born of imagination are the seeds of great achievements, contributing to human progress and prosperity. All the achievements humans claim are fruits of innovative thinking, ideas and concepts. The knowledge and material manifestations emanating from imagination contribute to the well-being of humankind.

Second, imagination is the cornerstone upon which knowledge builds. Our conscious awareness of self and surroundings, the key aspect of existence, relies on imagination. Most of our knowledge results from conceptualising sensory perceptions and the subsequent meanings that develop. The outcomes of sensory perceptions and their conceptualisation produce a sea of knowledge that we live by and consume today.

Third, imagination extends existing knowledge through innovative ideas. Many breakthroughs originate in the mind, cultivating new perspectives. Humanitys journey to new lands, stellar exploration and moon landing all began as ideas within imaginative minds. Moreover, the Enlightenment, the Renaissance, science and tech revolution are the outcomes of ideas from imagination. Without the boundless potential of imagination, societies would have been starved of knowledge and led a simplistic life within the narrow confines of sensory perceptions and excruciating experiences.

Fourth, imagination isnt always contingent on knowledge, as is evident in creative ideas, artistic expressions and unconventional theses. Pure human creativity, independent inventions and out-of-the-box concepts manifest this. Leonardo da Vincis imaginative designs, the Wright brothers vision of flight, Albert Einsteins theory of relativity and Steve Jobs innovative Apple products are rooted in imaginative thinking. Moreover, imagination transcends the confines of territoriality, time and space.

Fifth, imagination imparts meaning to our world, organising facts into beneficial frameworks. It serves as a bridge between the world of ideas and the material world. Abstract images provide suppositional contexts to understand the materials around us. Without imagination, the world would have remained in its inherent state of meaninglessness.

Sixth, contrary to limiting the feature of knowledge, imagination adds to freedom through evolving and innovative modes of thinking and living. Since we mostly live by what we know and understand, the power of imagination and its potential to create more knowledge empowers us to live with greater liberty. The limited cognitive and behavioral scope of earlier humans due to little knowledge and cognitive potential testifies to the limiting factor of knowledge.

Last but not least, imagination plays a vital role in problem-solving, enabling us to think beyond conventional solutions to complex issues facing humanity. It encourages us to explore possible alternatives and different perspectives when approaching problems. This approach equips humans with enhanced skills for effectively managing lifes challenges.

Courtesy The Express Tribune