Insaf Labor Union PSM objects to PSM BoD constituted ECM terming it controversial; writes to MoIP, others to sort out PSM issues

KARACHI, Aug 02 (SABAH): Insaf Labor Union (CBA) Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM) has objected to PSM Board of Directors (BoD) constituted ‘Executive Committee of Management (ECM)’ because it is controversial and inquires against it have been pending with Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) since July 2022.

It wrote through a letter to Syed Murtaza Mahmud, Federal Minister for Industries and Production, Mumrez Khan, Convener PSMC Stakeholders Group, Momin Agha, Additional Secretary, Muhammad Zardad Abbasi A/manager Incharge (A&P) PSM to address the following issues.

Letter stated, “In continuation to our previous correspondence which remained unnoticed, Insaf Labor Union being a stakeholder registers its protest as well as reservations on Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM) Board of Directors (BOD) constituted ‘Executive Committee of Management (ECM)’ because it is controversial and that inquires against it with the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) have been pending since July 2022.”

“Restrictions on ECM include that it will not deviate from earlier decisions took by ex-CEO PSM as well as Board of Directors pertaining to court cases; it will not make any transfers, postings, firing of existing heads; it will not hire fresh employees on regular, daily wages or contractual basis; and it would refer all policy matters to the Board of Directors for decision,” it added.

The union through letter conveyed, “PSM BOD/adhoc Management from 2020 and ex-CEO Dr. Safiduddin Junejo concealed the facts by not endorsing Supreme Court order and file an application to government for appointing CEO to execute retrenchment of employees which is still pending.”

“Moreover, PSM BOD and MOI &P/ government of Pakistan appointed Brig (retd) Shujah Hassan Khurazmi as CEO which is irregular appointment. It demonstrates who are responsible to monitor performance of PSM BOD have been involved in such activities which are resulting into losses of PSM,” it stated.

Letter further stated, “At present, PSM BOD is nonprofessional and management structure is non-existent and allegedly it is involved it is involved in administrative and financial irregularities. PSM employees and people of Pakistan are unheard victims of all pillars of state. Due to their negligence as well as vested interests, the PSM is suffering. PSM is an asset and it could be revived with locally trained human resource and there was not need of privatization.”

Insaf Labor Union appealed to the government of Pakistan/ MOIP to put its efforts for revival of PSM as it would protect government from embarrassment in the Parliament, courts and media as well as sort out the aforementioned issues.