Dr. Asad Majeed highlights greater Pak-Indonesia strategic potential to boost bilateral ties

ISLAMABAD, Jul 14 (SABAH): Foreign Secretary Dr. Asad Majeed Khan has stressed upon the greater potential of strategic cooperation and understanding between Pakistan and Indonesia to boost bilateral ties.

Dr. Asad Majeed Khan expressed these views at an exclusive talk on ‘Foreign Policy of Pakistan’ held at the Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI), a prestigious think tank based in Jakarta on Friday.

He outlined Pakistan’s foreign policy priorities that include economic stability and growth, peaceful relations with neighbouring countries, the Jammu and Kashmir dispute, developments in Afghanistan, engagement with East Asia especially ASEAN and relations with big powers including China and the United States.

He spoke at length about the multidimensional cooperation between Pakistan and Indonesia especially in political, economic, security, defence, tourism and cultural domains. The two countries also engage closely in the framework of multilateral forums including the UN and the OIC.

He underscored the need to further explore new avenues of cooperation in the maritime domain, technology, digitisation, innovative economy and intellectual exchanges between the academia and think tanks of Pakistan and Indonesia.

Dr. Asad Majeed Khan also outlined Pakistan’s ‘Vision East Asia’ and the high importance Pakistan accords to its relations with ASEAN.

Dr. Asad Majeed Khan described Pakistan’s extensive cooperation with ASEAN as the oldest Sectoral Dialogue Partner and its readiness to become a Full Dialogue Partner for mutually beneficial cooperation.