We strongly condemn the despicable acts of public burning of the Holy Quran in Sweden & other countries in Europe:  FO Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch

ISLAMABAD, July 06 (SABAH):  Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch has said that both Pakistan and China remain committed to continued expansion and development of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) to promote win-win connectivity, development and mutual prosperity. We will continue to push forward all CPEC projects in a safe, smooth, and high-quality manner, promoting cooperation in areas such as economy and trade, investment, industry, agriculture, health, and science and technology, she said. She said that as Pakistan celebrates the sanctity of the Holy Quran day today (Friday), we strongly condemn the despicable acts of public burning of the Holy Quran in Sweden and other countries in Europe.

This was stated by FO Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch while addressing the weekly press briefing on Thursday. At the outset of the press briefing Mumtaz Zahra Baloch extended eid greetings to the journalists. She said that on this Eid, our brothers and sisters in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) once again were prevented from participating in the Eid festivities. The occupation authorities barred the Eid prayers at the historic Jamia Mosque and the Central Eidgah in Srinagar. The head cleric of the Jamia Masjid and prominent Kashmiri leader, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, remains under arbitrary house arrest since August 2019. For over 200 Fridays, he has not been able to address the Friday congregations from the Jamia Masjid’s pulpit. We urge the Indian authorities to set Mirwaiz Umar Farooq free and bring an end to the restrictions imposed on Kashmiris that prevent them from freely practicing their religion.

 Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said that this week, we also remember the iconic Kashmiri youth leader, Burhan Muzaffar Wani, whose seventh martyrdom anniversary will be observed day after tomorrow (8 July). Burhan Wani was one of the hundreds of Kashmiri youth who have been victims of extra-judicial killing perpetrated by the Indian occupation forces. While paying homage to him as the voice of the indigenous freedom movement of the Kashmiri people, we once again urge the Government of India to bring an end to extra-judicial killings and desist from indiscriminate use of force against the Kashmiri people.

 Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said that earlier this week, on 4th July 2023, Prime Minister Mohammad Shehbaz Sharif participated in the SCO Council of Heads of State Meeting. In his remarks, the Prime Minister reaffirmed Pakistan’s commitment to the ‘Shanghai spirit’ and presented Pakistan’s vision for connectivity and regional cooperation as a vehicle for peace and prosperity. He stressed the need for collective action against terrorism, extremism, and separatism. The Prime Minister also called for global solidarity in addressing climate change and poverty alleviation, and for promotion of peace and the resolution of disputes.

 She said that Pakistan will continue to play an active role in SCO. We welcome Iran’s membership of the SCO and accession of Bahrain, Maldives, Myanmar and the UAE as new Dialogue Partners of SCO. We are pleased to see the establishment of the Working Group on Poverty. As announced by the Prime Minister, Pakistan will hold the SCO Conference on Transport Connectivity for Regional Poverty in the last quarter of 2023.

 She said that Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari undertook an official visit to Japan on 1-4 July 2023 where he held bilateral talks with Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi and called on Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. In the bilateral meetings, the two sides agreed to enhance dialogue and engagement at all levels, to increase bilateral trade and investment, and pursue mutually beneficial cooperation in defence, education, and science and technology.

 Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said that oreign Secretary Dr. Asad Majeed Khan is currently in Türkiye for an official visit. Yesterday, he led the Pakistan delegation at the sixth round of the Pakistan-Türkiye Bilateral Political Consultations (BPC) in Ankara.

 She said that the two sides extensively discussed the entire range of bilateral cooperation covering political relations, trade, connectivity, defence, education, culture, and people-to-people contacts. Progress made under the Strategic Economic Framework (SEF) was also reviewed.

 She said that the two sides agreed to continue their strategic partnership and to coordinate closely on all issues of mutual concern. In this context, they agreed to hold the 7th Session High Level Strategic Cooperation Council (HLSCC) in Islamabad. It was also agreed to enhance cooperation in science and technology, research and development, information technology, defence, health, education, agriculture, shipping and maritime domains.

She said that Pakistan and China are celebrating the 10th anniversary of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), which is an important pillar of the all-weather strategic cooperative partnership with China.

 Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said that the people of Pakistan have witnessed the remarkable achievements and fruits of high-quality development stimulated by CPEC since its inauguration in 2013. Under the first phase of CPEC, China invested around US$ 25.4 billion in Pakistan, primarily in energy and transport infrastructure sectors. CPEC projects have added: 8000 MWs of energy to the national grid; 510 km of highways; 932 km of road networks; and 820 km of Optical Fiber Line. It has also created about 200,000 jobs in Pakistan.

She said that CPEC is also an important node in cross regional connectivity. It is an inclusive and open platform for interested third parties to benefit from investment opportunities in CPEC priority areas such as cooperation in industry, agriculture, information technology, science and technology, and oil and gas sectors.

Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said that Pakistan has strongly condemned brutal Israeli raids and airstrikes in Jenin, resulting in multiple casualties. The people of Pakistan are outraged on this deliberate targeting of civilians. Such egregious and repeated attacks on the Palestinian people must end. We also believe that the Palestinians have a right to live peacefully in an independent state of Palestine, based on pre-1967 borders, with Al Quds Al Sharif as its capital, she said.

She said that as Pakistan celebrates the sanctity of the Holy Quran day today (Friday), we strongly condemn the despicable acts of public burning of the Holy Quran in Sweden and other countries in Europe. We believe that such willful incitement to discrimination, hatred and violence cannot be justified under the guise of freedom of expression. The recurrence of such Islamophobic incidents calls into serious question the legal framework which permits such hate-driven actions.

 She said that as a leading member of the OIC, Pakistan has called for an urgent debate on this important matter at the UN Human Rights Council. We also call for credible and concrete measures to prevent the rising incidents of xenophobia, Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hatred, she said.

She announced that Foreign Minister of the Swiss Confederation, Federal Councilor Ignazio Cassis, will arrive in Pakistan for an official visit from 7-9 July 2023. The delegation includes three members of the Swiss parliament and senior officials. Prime Minister of Pakistan had extended an invitation to Mr. Cassis when they met in Geneva at the occasion of International Conference on Climate Resilient Pakistan held on 9 January 2023.

In Islamabad, Federal Councilor Cassis will call on the Prime Minister and meet with Minister for Climate Change, Ms. Sherry Rahman. He will visit the National Disaster Management Authority in Islamabad where the two sides will discuss bilateral cooperation in disaster management.