Dr Fowzia appeals nation to remember Dr Aafia on Eidul Azha

KARACHI, June 28 (SABAH):  Aafia Movement Pakistan leader and the noted neurophysician of the country Dr Fowzia Siddiqui has appealed the nation to remember Dr Aafia Siddiqui on the occasion of Eidul Azha.

“Azha time of Unity, endurance and sacrifice. While celebrating with our families let us remember those like our sister Aafia. May Allah Accept our Duas and sacrifice,” she remarked.

In a statement here Wednesday, Dr Fowzia Siddiqui said this is the 40th Eid of Aafia in prison. She said the Aafia family felicitates the nation and specially its supporters on the occasion of the Eid and Hajj who are playing a great role in highlighting the cause of Dr Aafia Siddiqui.

She said that a few days ago she saw her sister in the US jail after a long time. She said it was heartbreaking that she could not touch or hug her sister and show her the pictures of her children. She said it was even sad to see Aafia in very weak and injured condition. She said though Aafia is alive but her condition is worrisome. She said we need even more support of the nation to secure her release.

Dr Fowzia Siddiqui said that now services of a new lawyer, Clive Safford Smith, has been obtained for Dr Aafia, who has got the credit of getting released more than 80 innocent prisoners.

She said the son of Aafia, Ahmed, has now completed his medical education and become a doctor. She said we were lucky that he got united with the family; otherwise, he would be languishing in some American torture cell. She said on this Eid one year has already passed to the demise of their dear mother, Ismat Siddiqui. She prayed for her and hoped that with the support of the nation, Aafia Siddiqui would soon return home.