Mahreen Razzaq Bhutto takes serious notice of alleged delay in rescue efforts & questionable role of coast guards in Greece boat incident

ISLAMABAD, June 23 (SABAH): Dr. Mahreen Razzaq Bhutto, Chairperson Standing Committee of the National Assembly on Human Rights has taken serious notice of the severe Human Rights Violation allegedly committed by Greek Coast guards in recent boat incident carrying large number of Pakistanis.

While taking cognizant of the news regarding overturning the boat  through a rope by the Greek Coastguards, she said that this alleged  act resulted into lost of hundreds of innocent lives which is serious violation of basic human right.

She also took serious notice on the news of accusations on the Greek authorities of “entailing conscious delay in rescue efforts”.

In order to raise this issue diplomatically and ascertain its veracity, she instructed to the Ministry of Human Rights to be in liaison with the Ministry of Foreign Affair and submit detailed record in Thai regard.