The debt of vote amid shattering dreams… Inam Ul Haque

It was starry-eyed middle class patriotic Pakistanis like us, sick of the stinking and corrupt dynastic politics, who voted in droves for Imran Khan in 2018, easing PTI into power. The other part was played by an equally representative Miltablishment. We held on to the dream that the aristocratic, iconoclastic IK would steer Pakistan towards economic salvation, political stability, national pride and good governance. Those dreams stand shattered, consequent to IK and PTIs ineptness, inexperience and a bewildering show of anger against their own Army, that climaxed on 9th May the black day.

In the settling dust, the contours of a conspiracy are becoming clearer with emerging evidence. And it pains most Pakistanis, who voted for PTI, to see the Party complicit against its own Army for emotive reasons. And for PTI poisoning political discourse to an extent no hostile agency could ever do, and for dividing the nation like never before. Those on the opposing side are unable or unwilling to see through the fog of mindless conformity and cult. A rational and unemotional discourse would highlight the following aspects.

The majority of PTI vote bank included middle and upper middle-class urbanite and relatively liberal segment of society. Singers, transgenders, youth-bulge and women were enamored towards PTI for celebrity-idol mix, that is generally attractive. The pattern was reflective of the populous ZA Bhutto in 1970s, and PM Modi in contemporary India.

PTIs successful credentials under Pervaiz Khattak in KP (2013-18) augmented Party appeal for elections in 2018. Khattak era gains in KP were lost under Mehmood Khan, another PTI CM. Punjab under Buzdar remained dysfunctional. And IKs ubiquitous chorus against corruption (reportedly suggested by Baroness Saeeda Warsi) distracted PTI from effective governance. Fighting coronavirus effectively and sehat insaf cards were some achievements, however, their debatable economic costs led to a faltering economy. The enduring economic slide, as per experts, started in the last years of PTI in power. Tabdeeli (positive change), naya (new) Pakistan and insaf (justice) remained a pipedream…as such revolutionary outcomes require revolutionary zeal and dedication, which remains wanting in PTI.

The revealing saga of May 9 is driving more and more decent, patriotic and level-headed Pakistanis away from the popular contraption called PTI, that seems unravelling. Some detail was covered last week. To reiterate, the list of PTI-generated, PTI-sponsored and PTI-disseminated propaganda against the Army includes vilification of its leadership past and present, making Generals synonymous with corruption, poisoning impressionable young minds with hate against their own Army, lumping all misdeeds of PDM-led government cleverly at the Militarys doorstep, dividing the veterans, winking at the violence targeting the Army, and making Army perceptually responsible for years of history, projected in bad light.

It is insane as to why a centre-right popular party would vilify its own Army, demoralise it, try to divide it, use and misuse it for political ends, then attack it, ransack it, burn it, weaken it and push it to a corner. The spins put on ransacking and burning Jinnah House, while the family of Corps Commander was still inside, are simply reprehensible. One had concluded it as a command failure, but that assertion aside, was Dr Yasmin and the Sisters-led PTI mob entitled to trespass on it, loot and burn it… if there was no security, if the security was withdrawn, or if there was collusion? Defies rationale thinking.

During the heat of the frenzy, Shah Mahmood Qureshi was on national media extolling people to come out…yeh gharon men baithney ka waqt nahin hey (no time to sit at home). If this was not sedition for revolution, what was it? Although some book reading on revolution would have educated the veteran politician that revolutions are not led by soft, pampered, and rich leaders afraid of going to jail. That our demography is too weak and segmentary for a revolution, there being none in our 4,000 years of history, social media, or no social media. And that PTI did not qualify to lead a revolution given its suboptimal organisation, lack of a committed cadre ready to assume governance and leadership (see the defections), and the Partys non-pragmatic and emotive outlook. That Imran is no Mao, Lenin or Nelson Mandela, and PTI is no Communist Party of China or Bolsheviks. The only outcome in Pakistans case would have been violence and more violence. And for that the State should have been sufficiently weakened, which was, and which is, not the case.

At the height of the crisis, there was PTI-disseminated propaganda about some Corps Commanders throwing their lot with PTI. It was a preposterous, sinister and outright anti-Pakistan supposition about an Army that prides itself on discipline, unity of command and dissent behind closed doors only, never spilling out in public. It is Pakistan Armys greatest strength that it rallies behind its Chief. It could be a weakness if the Army is led by someone like Gen Bajwa…an aberration. Although its studious structure and efficient organisation does steady things, mostly. But that weakness far outweighs the negative repercussions of dissent, division and Allah forbid…a coup. Nobody…not even the combative Khan… would like to see Pakistan becoming a banana republic and Army becoming a political militia. The Chief has immense powers to discipline, sack and sideline any dissenting revolutionary in Army ranks, who would stand condemned in perpetuity even among his own tribe…the veterans.

This brings me to veterans. Some among veterans are too politicised and hostage to cult predilections, although 9th May has opened many eyes. Causative influences may be problems of irrelevance and importance after doffing the uniform, becoming born-again democrats from the comfort of plush drawing rooms, susceptibility to outright boredom not knowing what to do with time and residual life. Although most do find purpose and value in retirement. It is useful for the politicised veterans (some absconding) to remember and differentiate what they earn consequent to meritorious service, and what is purely a favour from the State, the Army and the Chief…so that their moral and political compass remains calibrated.

A probe needs to establish why the Army was subjected to attacks, and at whose behest? Who aided, abetted and financed the systematic, deliberate and expansive anti-Army propaganda campaign? And the ensuing accountability should be ruthless, across the board, unforgiving and example-setting. Nothing short will work. Till then, we at least should condemn 9th Mays mindless violence loudly and clearly!

Courtesy The Express Tribune, June 8th, 2023.