Govt should announce elimination of riba, Sirajul Haq demands

ISLAMABAD, Jan 01 (SABAH):  Jamaat e Islami Emir Sirajul Haq has demanded the government announce elimination of riba, saying interest based economy is the main reason behind inflation and unemployment.

Addressing public gathering in Islamabad on Saturday, he said the PTI government had taken every step opposite to its claim to transform Pakistan into Madina like state.

It was an irony that usury plagued the state which was achieved in the name of Islam. He said the PTI deceived the nation in the name of Madina state and change. The government had sold the state bank to the IMF, giving full control to the international lending agency to handle the national economy. 

He said the government of Imran Khan followed the footsteps of its predecessors and kept the status quo intact. He said the ruling elite was least concerned about the problems of common man. It was due to ill-conceived policies of the rulers that poor were starving, millions were jobless and over 30 million children  were out of schools due to poverty. 

He said the rulers had snatched everything from masses and built their palaces in Europe , Dubai and US. The names of corrupt Pakistani elite were exposed in Pandora Papers and Panama Leaks but the government, court and anti corruption bodies could not dare to ask them that from where they earned billions of rupees which they stashed  in shell companies. Pakistan ruling elite provided protection to each other’s corruption no matter if they were in government or opposition, he said.

People of Pakistan, he said, were now demanding system of Islam. This country, he added, was not achieved for feudal lords and corrupt imperialists.

Sirajul Haq demanded government not to extend tenure of State Bank Governor. He announced the JI will hold sit in in front of state bank if the governor was not removed.

A large number of people participated in the public meeting held to protest against interest based economy. JI vice emirs Prof Ibrahim, Mian Aslam & Dr Farid Paracha also spoke on occasion.